Chapter 10: Rub Salt in My Wound Why Don't You

Start from the beginning

[Y/n] was annoyed. She continued to angrily berate Katsuki in her head as she searched for the bathrooms. The hallways in the school were long and lined with large lockers and doors. Large enough for a giant, [Y/n] thought. The floors had separated lines running along it, as as if it were a road. [Y/n] became increasingly distracted by the fact that the walls facing the exterior of the building were all glass windows. The view reached the beach and over the city's buildings. [Y/n] had to force herself to stay focused on her bladder. She peered her head into one door but discovered it was a janitor's closet.

After finally finding the holy grail that was the ladies' bathroom, and finishing her business, she realized she still did not know where she was. Or, more importantly, where her classroom, 1A, was.

Okay...well I came from that direction...and the map said that 1A was located on the north side of the building... so ...then I should turn...left? No... right? Wait... what's down this hallway? UGH! Too many options, I'll be 45 by the time I figure out where this room is located!

Suddenly, [Y/n] saw the first sign of human life other than herself in the hallways. A large, mop of purple hair stuck itself straight out from behind a locker. The person it belonged to was hidden behind the locker door. They seemed to be putting something inside, maybe emptying their backpack.

[Y/n] began to lightly jog toward the person. "Hey! Excuse me?!" She called to them, extending one of her arms to try to grab their attention towards her.

The locker door closed and revealed a tall, exhausted-looking teenage boy. He stood a foot above [Y/n] and had deep dark circles under his eyes. His wild purple hair grew out of his head the way long grass did by a river. He looked down at [Y/n] as she approached him.

[Y/n] stood beside him, sending him a friendly smile. He continued to stare at her with a blank, unreadable expression.

"I'm sorry to bother you! But do you know where the 1A classroom is located?"

Upon mentioning the room, the boy's whole body physically stiffened, as if he had just stepped in something unthinkably grotesque. His eyes hardened on the girl.

"Oh... you mean the hero department's classroom?" He said, his voice came out deeper and more hostile than [Y/n] expected. He shoved his hands into his pockets and clenched his jaw.

She kept smiling, but her face paled slightly at his tone. "Um...yeah! Are you a student in that class too?" She asked as friendly as she could.

"No," He spat, clearly angry. Although, [Y/n] wasn't really sure why. He stared bitterly at his feet as [Y/n] suddenly felt very awkward.

"Oh, I see... um, well I-"

"Can't believe I get to meet one of you brats right off the bat, lucky me." The boy said, balling his fist inside his pocket.

"Um...I...guess?" [Y/n] chuckled awkwardly, her smile not wavering at his harsh attitude. After all, she did live with Katsuki Bakuguou, she was used to harsh tones.

I should introduce myself... maybe it'll help deflate some of this awkwardness...

"I'm [L/n] [Y/n], by the way." [Y/n] held out her hand for him to shake. "And you are...?" She said, waiting for him to introduce himself.

The boy looked down at her outstretched hand before turning around and walking away. [Y/n] felt like she had been struck by lightning. He's ignoring me?! SO RUDE! She stood in her spot stunned, her arm still extended.

"H-hey!" [Y/n] yelled as she jogged to catch up with him. The boy never looked over at the girl as he continued to walk. "You know, " she said pointing out her finger in a factual manner "It's pretty rude to not introduce yourself back... I mean, normally in those situations you say your name, then we have a polite exchange and then leave."

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