"wait so why don't you just skip a grade" I thought for a moment on how to answer him

"well I would but my dad doesn't want me too he says I should get as much education for free as I can because college is expensive and If you don't know what you want to do you're wasting your time and money" I nodded at the end happy with the explanation I came up with which isn't a lie but in reality I just don't want to be seen as a freak and stand out more.

Class soon ended and I ran to my next class and the next and the next and the next until it was lunch time.

I sat down under my usual tree and started studying there's a test in math on Monday and I want to be prepared. While I was reading a figure stood in front of me blocking the sun. I looked up and saw the beast.

"can we talk" my eyes narrowed should I let him speak I don't want to but I'll feel bad if I just ignore him without even listening to what he has to say. I look at him and node.

"you have two minutes" and with that he quickly sat down.

"I'm sorry I accused your dad of abusing you and I'm sorry I haven't been the best guy in the world it's just when I saw that you were so thin and that you didn't want to make friends or talk much to people in general I just kinda assumed it was because of your dad I mean come on it does kinda sound like the traits of an abused person and..."

I held up my hand before he could continue signaling him to stop.

"apology accepted"

After I said that he got a big bright smile on his face making my heart flutter.

"thank you so much" and he pulled me into his arms giving me a big bear hug making me blush bright red. I pushed his chest trying to get him off of me and he complied.

"but this does... this doesn't mean I want to be fr...friends or t..talk to you"man I am good I think I was blushing even more but I cooled down when I watched his face fall "so please just leave me alone" I looked down and before I knew it the bell had rang wow I gave him more than two minutes.

I got up and walked into the school heading to class.

Ian's P.O.V:

I apologized to her and I was amazed that she actually accepted it and it made me so happy I couldn't help but hug her Damon had been angry at me for making Evan angry and told me that If I didn't make things right with her that he would hate me and wouldn't let me shift into a human ever again which was part of the reason I apologized so soon but the other part I just wanted to skip to the part were Evan and me were together.

I could see it now me and Evan sitting on my couch watching movies while cuddling. I imagined that during the movie I wouldn't even be watching it I'd be watching her until she noticed and she would smile at me and tell me that I should be paying attention but I would just laugh and kiss her head then bring her forward and kiss her lips this thought alone made me smile but my face fell when she told me to leave her alone and left.

I watched as she ran to class her beautiful long hair flowing past her and all I wanted to do was say that she was mine and hold her and never let go. During school all I could think about was her.

Why? Why didn't she want to make friends?

Did she have a traumatic experience that made her hate people?

Did someone betray her? Is she hiding something?

P.E came and I just looked at my mate she had on leggings and a t-shirt that was too big for her and she smelled like a man again I got a little angry thinking she had a boyfriend or any other man touching her but me that is until I realized the scent that was on her was her smelled a lot like her dads which it probably was.

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