7. I accept it!

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Hey guys. I'm sorry there is a little change in the main character's name. I changed Ahn Min Young to Ahn Min Hye. I thought it would be confusing in future when I mention Jinyoung and Minyoung. If you want to continue by the old name I can change it. It's your decision guys :D Sorry for the inconvenience. Now let's continue with the story. Also if you think the plot is confusing, don't worry I will solve it soon so you can understand it clearly :)

Ahn Min Hye's P.O.V.

It was that Prince Jimin from my dream. Am I having some Extra Sensory Powers? It's like I'm seeing the future. I shook off my thoughts and met him. That's when I realised he was standing half-naked in front of me. I could see his well-toned abs. I slightly blushed at the sight but I have to maintain my professionalism here. I met his eyes with a stern look.

"So you are Park Jimin?" I asked him. He was confused at my sudden question.

"You don't know me? Is this some kind of play?" he scoffed.

"See Mr.Park Jimin. I don't have anytime to play with you and I'm Min Hye your interview's PD. So can you please put on some clothes and come with me to the studio? We have only five minutes left for the shoot." I said looking at my watch. He stood there standing at me in shock. After few seconds he mumbled something,

"Can you get me my clothes?" He asked me.

"Where is it?"

"It's there" He said and pointed towards a direction. I could see the cloth hanging from the ceiling fan.

"How did you manage to throw the cloth till there?" It was quite high.

"I was in hurry for searching something so it happened that way. Why am I even explaining this to you? If you want your program to start in time help me get that." He said and smirked.

For a second I thought he was being nice. But no he is still cocky.

I tried to pull out a chair and reach for it but no use it was still high. There was only three minutes remaining now. I should do something.

I moved the table under the fan and tried to reach. Oh god it's still high.

"You have to help me." I said to him.

"What you want me to do?" He asked.

"Climb on this table and lift me up" Even though he was shocked at first but he did what I asked him. And finally I could reach the cloth and at the next minute he put on the clothes fast and we went to the studio. Before I could enter he hold my hands and whispered in my ears,

"You are indebted to me"

This guy should be kidding me. He entered the studio and I followed him back. We reached exactly at 9:59

I said my instructions to the staff. The MC was already in his positions and also the members.

"Ready. Cue." I said and the interview started without any big problems. The interview is all about their promotions of their new album. Leader explained really well and I could see the professionalism in him. I was already impressed about this group and they also danced for their new song. The song was really impressive and the lyrics described the reality. Also their moves are great and I could see that Jimin was a impressive dancer. My eyes were on him the most of the time. He notice me staring at him and send me a playful smirk at times.

The interview was finished successfully.

"All of you did a great job and I'm wishing for your album to top the charts." I said with a small smile.

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