"I am going to get a milkshake after this and you're going to buy it for me." I tell him quietly and he smirks, leaning over, putting his palm under his chin. 

"So bossy, Sugar. Are you sure you didn't contract something earlier?" He asks teasingly and I can't help but smile as I look over at him for a second, before I look over, seeing Colin. His whole face brightens up as he sees me and he grins,  before giving me a giant wave. I wave back with a smile.

"If I contracted anything, I'd hope it'd be your good-looking genes." I tell Rese without looking at him. I hear him snort, putting a casual hand on my knee. 

"I know, Sugar, I have the face of a saint." He says, and I smirk wickedly, looking over at him.

"The face of a saint bernard, Alvaro." I tell him, and he gives me an offended look as I laugh. He squeezes my knee lightly, and I smile again, shoving his hand off.

This was going to be a long dinner...


"Ok, ok, have you ever run the Black-Foot Trail in Washington? I hear it's a lot of miles." One of Rese's several, several cousins asks, leaning in closer like the rest of them. I smile, keeping up a well-mannered expression. 

"Actually, yes, I have. My mother ran it with me when I was 13. Of course, she had to walk half of it because of health reasons. It's very...hilly and hot during the summer." I say, thinking back to it. 

Mom did have to walk half of it. 

All the girls and boys grin absolutely fascinated with me. 

"That's so cool! I wish I could travel the country. I wouldn't run or anything, but still! You went to boarding school in England when you were 10 to become a wizard at running!" One of the girls says and I smile again, running a hand through my hair. My face was already flushed with embarrassment, so it couldn't get any worse.

"It was only for a year. My parents didn't have the money to keep me there for the whole three years but I learned as much as I could in that year. They taught us more than just to run, you know. I learned riflery from a very charming boy a week after I arrived and then I surpassed him during our final exam week. We also learned dance, archery, and cross country–for horses." I say, and then I smile once again, "I had a lovely horse named Rodeo because he liked to gallop as fast as he could while trying to do a barrel pattern. He's a racehorse and a rodeo horse of course but I taught him how to jump and now he's somewhere in France as a prized show horse." I add, and the girls gasp. I look over at Rese, and I grin wickedly before giving him a wink. Silently, I hoped he'd see my desperation to leave.

"Alright girls, give her space to breathe." He says, coming to my rescue. I punch him in the gut when he throws an arm around my shoulders. He grunts but he grins down at me despite it. 

"Yes, girls, please, Caline looks absolutely overwhelmed." Mrs. Alvaro says, passing us. I smile at her happily, watching her walk over to the adult side of the table. Rese pulls away from me and he gives me another wink before he runs off towards the house. I narrow my eyes as I watch him, having suspicions about what he was doing. 

He was only gone a few minutes before I had a feeling he was waiting for me to come after him. So I excuse myself, going after him. My feelings proved correct because as soon as I walked through one of the glass double doors, I saw Rese talking to Russet. 

I look around the corner, and I see Russet struggling to hold onto both Salmon's leash and Milo's leash at the same time. Why did she have my dogs?

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