Arc2A - Lowee Chapter 3 - Hidden Agenda.

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"You got a point. Well I'll leave it there, but I'd like to ask this. Which town does he come from?" Blanc's expression fell a bit

"Couldn't tell doesn't exist anymore" C-Sha picked this up as a semi-sensitive subject

"Then I won't pry...goodnight"

As C-Sha headed out into the night, she heard a sort of chime and picked up her data-pad to see a note "SEE ME AT 9AM, FOR NEW MISSION" C-Sha frowned, looking back to the inn before looking to her hand

"It seems I might get some sleep for once" she said "That fight today drained me nice and low. Blanny...just don't do anything stupid, you hear me?"

As Terra slept, his mind drifted to the world of dreams, wandering to Tari once more. Terra was in a fitting room of some sort, his Captain and two girls one with long flowing yellow hair and another with short dark hair in an upright hair-tail waiting "Are you done in there yet?"

"Not yet...OW! Do you mind back there!? OW!" he emerged out in a skin-tight suit of black and silver "I could've done this myself"

"They are rough aren't they?" said the blonde girl, wearing a green and white one with Lara on her shirt

"And this suit is sooo...tight" said the dark haired girl, in a pink and green one with Sarah on hers "It's squishing my boobs big time"

"Try to remember we have a guy with us" said the Captain "Well today we begin the first test, to REALLY see if we have the potential to wield the weapon of our labours"

"I'm still...sceptical of this" said Terra "I've been hearing constant murmurs about me being on this program...and they aren't happy"

"Well it doesn't matter" said Lara "If it doesn't work, no biggie there you are the only guy here"

"I've heard there's no guarantee for anyone" said Sarah patting his shoulder "so no worries"

"Their right" said Captain hearing a whistle "Come on guys...let's go" with that the dream ended and Terra woke to his room.

As he got up, Blanc came into the room with a thermos flask in hand "Oh hey Terra, good morning"

"Good morning Blanc" he said

"What kinda dream were you having? You were moaning a bit, as if complaining you were being dressed by four idiots"

"That's...surprisingly correct" he said sighing "That's what happened in the dream" Blanc saw his drooped expression

"What's eating you? Come on fess up"

"I've learnt something...about my past recently which came as a bit of shock"

"Wait you recalled some of your past?" said Blanc sitting down "Come on spill"

Terra told Blanc of his dreams, and his memories, with him reading her expression. Blanc looked in disbelief " were once human? Living normally in Tari" she said to him "that's a bit hard to imagine"

"I do wanna put it off as dreams" said Terra "but I can clearly remember those times, and even bits of pieces now of Tari"

"Well that changes the whole origin story...but nevermind"

"Huh? That's it?"

"What did you expect you dummy?" she said bonking his head "You being human or not doesn't change how people see you, maybe the blissful populace, but not your friends. So what if you were once human? It just simply means you converted a CPU at one point, got put in that Anti-CPU pod, got found by Arfoire and converted whoopee-do-da"

Hyperdimension Neptunia's Second LCحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن