"I wouldn't do that if i was you."

450 12 7


*Chang and 2 of his gang members hold Jungkook down aggressively. Chang makes a fist with his hand and punches Jungkook viciously causing Jungkook to moan in pain. Chang orders his members to let him go.*

Chang: Are you still gonna be a pain and not follow the rules?

*Jungkook doesn't even look at Chang and keeps his head down wiping the blood of his lips.*

Chang: Look at me when im talking to you!!

*Jungkook still looks down at the floor.*

*Taehyung and Jin gasp in shock.*


*Taehyung runs out to the gang members and Jungkook.*

Jin: Taehyung!! Wait!!

*Taehyung stands infront of Chang.*

Chang: Who the hell are you??

Taehyung: Who do you think you are? Stay away from Jungkook i mean it!

Chang: hahahahah so your one of his fanboys huhh?

Taehyung: Call me whatever you wish and do whatever you want but dont hurt him.

Chang: Oh really?

*Chang grabs taehyungs collar of his shirt.*

Jin: * Steps out and is holding his phone.* I wouldn't do that if i was you. 

Gang member: Woah his recording we gotta leave Chang now!!

*Chang lets go of Taehyung and runs out of the room with his gang members.*

*Jin helps Taehyung and helps Jungkook of the ground.*

Jin: What was that Jeon Jungkook explain now!!

Jungkook: urgh..im so sorry guys and thank you so much for helping me you both.

Taehyung: Yeah yeah thank us later tell us whats going on!!

Jungkook: Well..recently i was trying to avoid Jimin but not to hurt his feelings.. it was just Chang told me that if i was seen hanging with Jimin they would hurt him and tell lies about me or him to anyone. And i really dont want that to happen!! But i can see now its worthless because i am hurting him and i dont want to! Thats why im so sorry and im gonna now protect him at all costs!!

Jin: urgh.. if you had a problem you know you should to talk to Jimin or even us! You shouldn't be acting so difficult with him!

Jungkook: Yes and im so sorry!! But why were you guys here??

Taehyung: Well about that.. Me and Jin knew there was something wrong so we told Jimin to go home so that we could spy on you and he wouldn't have any suspicion.

Jungkook: What!! hahahah You were spying on me?

Jin: Yes we were oh well..Me and Tae would do anything for Jimin so that means helping him with relationships also okay!!

Jungkook: Yes yes okay hahah

Taehyung: Well look make sure you meet Jimin in the morning tomorrow and explain everything!! Otherwise we will kill you!!

Jungkook: Yes i defo will!!....Thank you so much guys!!

Jin: yeah yeah whatever just go home and clean your face okay.

Jungkook: Okay will do. By the way guys are you two a thing?

Taehyung: WHAT!!


Ah this chapter is defo not the best one so far.

What do you guys think shall i make Jin and Taehyung a thing? loll

Thank you for the support everyone!!

Please keep reading and comment what you think! Thank you

Jungkook & Jimin,,I love youWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt