"I Love You."

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*It's the next day, Jimin is going to see Taehyung and Jin due to being early to school.*

Jimin: Hey.. Guys.

Taehyung: Jimin?.. Yo what's up? What's with the gloomy face? And why are you here so early?

Jimin: Well..erm..i gotta tell you something but you cant tell anyone!

Jin: Okay..we wont obviously.

Jimin: Well..yesterday..i..um..kissed jungkook

Taehyung And Jin: WHAT!!

Jimin: Guys!..stop being so loud!

Taehyung: Sorry but what?! you kissed him!!

Jimin: Yes i did and its a long story..but the thing is..he has also kissed me before.

Jin: He has?! what on earth..

Jimin: But please dont tell anyone!!

Jin: We wont! So this is why your gloomy?

Taehyung: Wait.. Isnt this something good then?

Jimin: No! .. because  its a set up!!

Taehyung: What?..right explain please!

Jimin: Right.. well..i was just listening to music in a empty classroom and jungkook appears. And he came in and noticed me and after that he wanted to talk me to me. However i didnt want to talk but eventually i had to. He asked me questions.. 

Jin: Like?

Jimin: Like.. whats my answer to his kiss..but i cut him of.

Jin: Why?..

Jimin: Well i suddenly had a thought that this was a set up and min was the master mind of this set up. So i shouted out fine i will show you the truth etc and then..i just kissed him.

Taehyung: What were you thinking!! What happened after that!!

Jimin: I ran away obviously!!

Taehyung: Urgh.. i cant believe this!!

Jin: Right..lets just calm down about this. Jimin listen you really need to do something about this now. I think its time..

Jimin: Time?..

Jin: Time to confess to Jungkook!!.. Using words!!

Jimin: Are you insane?! I cant do that!!

Taehyung: Oh yes you can! And you will or i will tell him!!

Jimin: What!!

Taehyung: Jimin as much as i love you i cant keep this secret forever. Especially when its the right time to confess!!

Jin: Taehyung is right you know..

Jimin: Urgh fine!!..but how should i confess then..

Taehyung: Easy!! just go back into that empty classroom you go to and i will lie to jungkook and make him enter the classroom. From that you will have the chance to see him and confess!!

Jimin: erm..are you sure about this?.. What if him and Min are setting me up guys!!

Jin: erm.. Jimin im pretty sure his not.

Jimin: How would you know?

Jin: Well the other day he started talking to me.. and all he was talking about was you to be honest.

Jimin: oh..

Taehyung: Even if it is a set up jimin , do you really think Jungkook would go to the extreme length of kissing you?

Jimin: ah..well..i dont know

Taehyung: Well in my opinion i think he likes you!! So just confess okay!!

Jimin: OKAY I WILL!!

*Jimin arrives at the empty classroom , he sits down and looks around nervously.*

What should i say? What should i do?! Im so nervous oh no!!

*The door opens. Jungkook appears in the classroom and notices Jimin.*

*Jimin Stands up nervously.*

Jimin: Erm..Hi.. Jungkook

Jungkook: Hey..jimin?

Jimin: Erm..so..i..

Jungkook:*cutting Jimin of* Hey i need to talk to you.

Jimin: Oh..um..whats up?

Jungkook: Why are you acting like the kiss never happened?

Jimin: t-the kiss?

Jungkook: Yes the kiss!! .. Listen Jimin im not setting you up!! I meant that kiss that day and when you kissed me..my..heart..

Jimin: Listen Jungkook how can i know that this is not a set up huh?..

Jungkook: What are you talking about!! of course its not!! Do you really think I would go to the length of kissing you?!

Jimin: Yes! I know you Jungkook!!

Jungkook: Well obviously not good enough cause why would i do such a thing?!


omg..i did it

Jungkook: w-what?..

Jimin: I-i Like you!! Infact i love you!!

Jungkook: ugrh..

Oh shit..Why did he just sign?! 

Jimin: Jungkook?..

Jungkook: You have no idea how long i have wanted to hear you say that!!.. I feel like crying!!

Jimin: What?!.. Jungkook?!

Jungkook: I have loved you this whole time Jimin!! and i stopped hanging out with you cause i wanted to try and get rid of the feelings i have for you but i just cant! I LOVE YOU JIMIN!!

Jimin: Jungkook..i-I LOVE YOU TO!!

*Jimin hugs Jungkook tightly. He soon lets go and reaches for Jungkooks lips and kisses him softly.*

Jimin: I love you jungkook.

Jungkook: I love you to.. I love you so much.

A/N: Yesh I was gonna end it here but then I had a thought let's just carry on because I want to add more chapters. So please keep reading and voting and supporting!! Thank Youu

Jungkook & Jimin,,I love youWhere stories live. Discover now