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*Jimin arrives to school and searches for Jungkook.*

By now you would of thought jungkook would walk to school with me. But he don't and everytime I ask he would say something like "ah I said I would walk with my friends Jimin.. I'm sorry though but I love you!!" I would just reply with something like "I love you to!" urgh I would love to walk with him though.. But oh well it's not a big deal.

Jimin: Hey! Jungkook!

Jungkook: Jimin?..What are you doing here?

Jimin: What do you mean?..I came to see you

Jungkook: awee..Thanks Jimin!..but i gotta go practice basketball with my friends so i will talk to you later right?..

Jimin: Oh..right

Jungkook: See ya!!

What the hell?! We always meet here why is he acting like that? Urgh i will just go find Tae And Jin.

*Jimin Enters the school building and enters the canteen. He soon finds Taehyung And Jin and sits down with them.*

Taehyung: Hey Jiminie!! Wheres Jungkook?

Jimin: Hey! And he said he needed to go practice basketball with his friends.

Taehyung: Oh okay.

Jin: Hey Jimin!

Jimin: Hello

Jin: Whats up? .. You look confused.

Jimin: Well me and Jungkook meet at the field all the time so why did he not tell me that he was gonna do basketball today?           

Jin: Hey listen dont worry about it! He probably forgot thats all.

Jimin: Yeah..Your right he probably forgot to tell me.

*The bell rings , And Jimin arrives to registration.*

Min: What are you looking at? 

Jimin: Me?..Nothing.

Min: Erm..you were you clearly just looked at me.

Jimin: Urgh.. i was looking around the classroom Min.

Min: Oh really?.. Or were you looking for Jungkook?

Jimin: No i wasn't looking for him.

Me and Jungkook sometimes talk during registration and hang out during lunch..but no one knows that we are..well dating i suppose.

Min: Well if you are he is not coming.

Jimin: What?

Min: He has practice all day and he invited me to go watch him.

Jimin: What?..But he never told me that.

Min: Why would he?!..I mean its not like he actually considers you as a friend idiot!!.. He just feels bad for you thats all!!

Jimin: What are you talking about?

Min: His friends even told me. He hates you Jimin!

What? What is happening?

*Jimin runs out of the classroom into the mens bathroom. Jimin sits in the corner crying heavily.*

Why? Why would he say that! He wouldn't Shes lying!! But why would his own friends say that!!

*The bathroom door opens , Jin And Taehyung enter noticing Jimin In the corner.*

Taehyung: Jimin! Are you okay!!

Jungkook & Jimin,,I love youWhere stories live. Discover now