They Are Dating!!

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Jungkook: okay will do. By the way are you two a thing?

*Taes heart begins to beat fast, he blushes in embarrassment.*

Taehyung: WHAT!!

Jin: No we arent a thing we are just best friends.

Jungkook: oh..okay sorry for offending you if it did.

Jin: No of course it didn't.

Taehyung: Well yeah.. shall we get going?

Jin: Yup.


*Its the next morning and Jimin waits beside the school gates hoping Jungkook would meet him today.*

I hope he comes today i really have been missing him lately.

Jungkook: Hey Jiminie!!

Jimin: *smiling* Hey Kookie!!

Jungkook: Sorry i think im a bit late.

Jimin: Nope! its okay im glad you came!

Jungkook: Of course i came!! Why wouldn't I?

Jimin: Well..lately you have been going with your friends so..

Jungkook: Yes about that i need to talk to you.

Jimin: Oh..okay

*Jungkook grabs Jimins hand and runs into the canteen and sits with Jin And Taehyung.*

Taehyung: Hey Guys!!

Jimin: Hi Guys!!

Jin: So Jungkook have you told him yet?

Jungkook: gonna do it now okay.

Jimin: What are you talking about?

Jungkook; Okay.. Jimin im sorry for being so difficult to you. The reason i was being so difficult was because of my friends and im so sorry. They told me if i was seen hanging around with you they would hurt you and i dont want that to happen. But now i see that its worthless i could see that me avoiding you was already hurting you and i dont want that to happen. So im sorry please forgive me Jiminie.

Jimin: Of course i forgive you Jungkook!!..But next time you have to tell me if your having a problem and if your to scared just tell Taehyung or Jin.

Jungkook: Yes of course!! Im sorry I love you Jiminie!!

Jimin: Hahahah..I love you to!

Taehyung: ew..yuck this lovey dovey stuff is annoying me.

Jin: Oh hush your just jealous.

Taehyung: No im not!

Jimin: Ermm..wait guys how do you know about this?

Jin: oh yeah.. well the thing is we lied to you yesterday about the whole Jungkook was busy or something. We lied so that we could spy on Jungkook cause we knew something was wrong.

Taehyung: Yeah and eventually we saw the people who were supposed to be his "Friends" hurt him so we got involved and stopped them.

Jimin: Oh my gosh! I hope your all okay! Kookie are you hurt?!

Jungkook: No im not dont worry Jimin i am so thankful that Jin And Tae was there to help me.

Jimin: Thank you guys! Your the best!

Jin: Yesh we are the best!

Taehyung: Yep!

*They all laugh and the bell rings meaning its time for registration.*

*Jimin and Jungkook chose to sit together and begin chatting.*

Min: Hey Jungkook!

Jungkook: Erm..hi?

Min: How are you today? You look so handsome!!

Jungkook: Im fine im chatting with Jimin.

Min: Ah Jimin! Hey how are you?!

Jimin: um..fine?

Min: Cool!!

Teacher: Students please take your seats i have something to discuss.

*Students take their seats.*

Teacher: Today i think we should do some group work. Lets all get into groups and today in your group you will write up a page about someone in the class. Now lets start putting people into groups. hmmm..Min who would you like in your group? The group must only have 4 people.

Min: I would like Jungkook and Jisu and um .. Jimin!!

What! Why me and Jungkook?! Shes up to something!! 

Teacher: Okay everyone else join a group.

Student: *whispers* Hey Min! Why do you want to work with a freaky gay?!

Min: Hahahah oh you will see.

Student: Oh okay! im excited!

*Min sits at a different table joining jungkook and jimin with jisu.*

Min: So..Jungkook

Jungkook: Yeah?..

Min: I think we should write about Jimin.

Jimin: What why me?

Min: Actually Jungkook we should write about me and you.

Jungkook: What are you talking about?

Min: Oh come on dont act like that kookie! You werent acting like that when you were with me yesterday!

Jimin: What?

Jungkook: Oh i should of known you were gonna do something like this. I wasnt with you Min no way would i be with you! I was with Jin and Taehyung last night not you! 

Min: Yeah you were with them and then you came to my place dont you remember?

Jungkook: No! I didnt!

Min: Urgh stop acting like this! Dont worry kookie i still love you its probably because you were so drunk last night you forgot!

Jungkook: What are you on about?!

Min: And by the way i have the answer to your question yesterday that you asked me! Of course i will be your girlfriend!


Jungkook: WHAT!

* Suddenly Min grabs Jungkooks shoulders and pulls his face closer to hers. Min then kisses Jungkook on the lips and then lets go of him 2 seconds after.*

Min: hahahahah! You see that Jimin we are dating now so dont even think about tricking my Jungkook you Filthy gay! Get lost!

*Jimin looks at Min with shock. Moments later Jimin covers his face trying to hide the tears. Jimin begins crying heavily and rushes out of the classroom.*

Jungkook: JIMIN! NO!

Woww Min is nasty! The next chapter will probably have another couple in it!!

Thanks for reading and supporting! Please read the next chapter. Thank Youu

Jungkook & Jimin,,I love youOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora