"I Forgive You."

423 11 9


*Jungkook pushes Min of him , wiping his lips.*

Jungkook: How dare you! What do you think your doing?! *Jungkook tries to run to Jimin but Min stops him.*

Min: Jungkook dont even think about going to him! We are dating now whenever you like it or not!

Jungkook: Piss off Min! Leave me alone!

Min: How dare you swear at your girlfriend!

*Jungkook pushes Min and goes into the boys bathroom , however catches Jimin pinned against the wall by Hoseok. Jungkook wanted to push him off but something told him to wait a little longer.*

Hoseok: So did he do this to you? *Stands back away from Jimin who is blushing mad while wiping his tears.*

Jimin: He d-didn't do exactly that but he ..

Hoseok: He has kissed you a few times am I right?

Jimin: Yeah..He has

Hoseok: That is something good Jimin dont think to much okay! First you should talk to him and ask for a explanation. If you think his lying just cut him of.

Jimin: Right..okay .. thank you but why are you helping me? Who are you?

Hoseok: Hhahahah sorry i didn't introduce myself. Im Hoseok but i go as @Jhope on every social media. Im one year older than you and i first found out who you were by Mins instagram post. But i decided now you are here i should help you because i know the type of person Min is. And i want you to know its okay to be gay im gay hahahah.

Jimin: Oh .. well thank you so much Hoseok for helping me out.

Hoseok: anytime Jimin lets just be friends and call me Hobi :))

Jimin: Okay! Thanks Hobi!

Hoseok: anytime by the way your freinds with Taehyung and Jin right?

Jimin: Yup?

Hoseok: Do you think you can introduce me to them? They seem really cool.

Jimin: Yeah sure okay!

Hoseok: Okay i will see you at lunch!

Jimin: Bye!

*Jungkook hides as Hoseok leaves and quickly locks the door. Jimin gasps in shock by the sudden noise of the lock. He then turns to see Jungkook looking at him with upset eyes.*

Jungkook: Jimin please listen to me

Jimin: yes im listening Jungkook

Jungkook: Min is lying and shes trying to win me over so she thought kissing me would easily get rid of you. However thats not gonna happen because im never letting you go Jimin.

Jimin: What? So you didnt go round hers the other night then?

Jungkook: No Jimin! Please im not like that! you should trust me jimin!

Jimin: Why should I?! This could be some set up!

Jungkook: Jimin this is not a set up! Do you think i would be crazy to kiss you if i didn't like you?!

Jimin: ....

I dont think his lying , i mean i wanna give him a chance. I love Jungkook maybe i should listen to him?

Jungkook: Im so sorry Jimin forgive me! I l-love.. I LOVE YOU JIMIN!!

Thats it im gonna forgive him!

Jimin: Jungkook i-i LOVE YOU TO!!

*Jungkook unlocks the door and runs to Jimin and hugs Jimin tightly. He lets go of the hug and kisses Jimin gently on the lips. Suddenly a clicking noise*

Taehyung: um..sorry carrying on hehe 

*Taehyung was taking pictures of them on his phone.*

Jimin: Tae! Really?!

Jin: *Takes another picture* What Jimin? It is a cute memory.

Jungkook: I suppose your right guys.

Jimin: Urgh! How did you know we were in here?!

Taehyung: Well i needed a wee so did Jin but the door was locked but i heard Jungkooks voice so i decided to wait and listen in cause i thought something like this would happen so....

Jin: We are sorry Jimin.

Jimin: aish..its fine but you better not use that against me!

Jungkook: Tae send me the photo later okay?

Taehyung: Of course!

Jimin: Jungkook! *Blushes in embarrassment*

Jungkook: what? your so cute i want more photos with you okay?

Jimin: Sure! 

*everyone laughs at the way Jimin suddenly changed his mood with Jungkook. The bell rings meaning its lunchtime.*

Jin: Wait for us in the canteen we still gotta pee!

Jimin: Okay by the way i made a new friend and he wants to meet you both!

Taehyung And Jin: What? Who?

Jimin: You will find out!

Jungkook: Im meeting him to right?

Jimin: Yup!

*All the boys could think was who was this guy? And what does he really want?....*

Notes: Ooof a cliffhanger! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Cant wait to realease the next!

Thank you for the support!!

Jungkook & Jimin,,I love youWhere stories live. Discover now