No longer a "Dark Secret"

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*Its school time. Jimin has now arrived at school early so he goes to meet jin and taehyung at the canteen.*

Jimin: Hey guys!


Jimin: yeah .. im fine whats wrong?

Taehyung: Whats wrong!? .. you havent seen it yet have you?

Jimin: Seen what?..

Taehyung: you might want to take a look at this..

*Taehyung shows Jimin Mins account on Instagram and clicks on a post. This post included jimins face and a caption stating "Omg Jimin is a weird gay who is obsessed with Jungkook!" Jimin reads the caption and begins to tear up. Jimin rushes out the canteen to the mens bathroom and sits in a corner and begins to cry.*

Why is this happening to me? Its not my fault! i cant help that i am gay and yes i like jungkook!!

*Jin And Taehyung appear in the mens bathroom*

Jin: Jimin i am so sorry..

Taehyung: I am to but dont be upset jimin. It doesnt matter if you are gay you are perfect the way you are!!

Jin: Yes i agree. And why would anyone believe what she has said if it didn't come out of your mouth! Jimin you are brave and perfect! Dont let a silly jealous girl get to you. 

Taehyung: even if she gets to you , you have us jimin. We both are here for you.

*Jimin Stops Crying*

Jimin: Thank you so much guys. Im so thankful for you both.

Jin: hahah i bet you are we are the best after all.

Jimin: hahah thats right 

*Tae And Jin hug jimin*

Taehyung: Come on its time to go to class 

Jimin: Okay..

-The boys arrive to class-

Min: well..well..well isnt it the one and only freaky gay himself.. Its Park Jimin!!

*Everyone begins to laugh*

Min: I told you didn't i? i told you to leave jungkook alone and stop being all weird around him.

*The bell rings. The lesson is now physical education. Jimin opens his locker to get his kit and enters the boys locker rooms.*

Random Boy: Hey! what are you doing here you gay boy!

Jimin: What are you talking about..its the boys locker room

Boy: hahah! then shouldn't you go to the girls locker room or something we dont want creepy gays in here!! 

Jimin: just please leave me alone to get change.. im going in the bathroom area anyway..

Boy: Good get out you stupid gay!

*Jimin enters the sports hall*

boy: Hey why are you even here you cant even play this game your a weak gay!

I cant take this anymore.. why are they doing this to me!!

*Jimin runs into the locker rooms*

I might as well just stay here until the lesson is over

*suddenly a noise happens and scares Jimin. Jimin goes into the bathroom area*

Jimin: Whos there?!

Jungkook: Its Jungkook!

Jimin: .. Jungkook?..

*Jungkook comes out the area wearing his kit*

Jungkook: Jimin?.. what are you doing here?

Jimin: What?.. Nothing im not doing the lesson

Jungkook: what why?..

Jimin: why do you think jungkook?! everyone is out there calling me a weak gay so whats the point!

*Jungkook looks at jimin with surprise*

Jimin: Um..sorry i yelled at you

Jungkook: Is it true?..

Jimin: is what true?..

Jungkook: Is it true that you are gay and obsessed with me?

jimin: What?!.. NO!

Jungkook: Are you sure about that?.. 

*Jungkook begins to walk closer to jimin causing jimin to walk backwards*

Jimin: um.. what are you doing? and im very sure about that..

*Jimin stops as the lockers hit his back. Jungkook lifts his arm and puts his hand close to jimins face. Jimins heart begins to beat fast. Jungkook gets closer to jimins face causing jimin to freeze*

Jimin: What are you doing?..

Jungkook: You know jimin your a bad liar..

Jimin: what?..

Jungkook: You like me dont you?

Jimin: What..

Jungkook: its very obvious you know..

*Jungkook leans into jimins face and kisses jimin softly on the lips.*


*Jimin pulls jungkook away from him*


*Jimin rushes off*

Jungkook: Wait! Jimin!

End to chapter 3. Please carry on reading and thank you for the support

Jungkook & Jimin,,I love youWhere stories live. Discover now