When Formalities Are Forgotten. [A Student/Teacher Love Story] (5)

Start from the beginning

I sighed even heavier when Mr Hinchcliffe opened the door and I saw her, and he turned to laugh at me. I returned his look with a scowl.

"Yes, Miss Michaels?" Mr Hinchcliffe turned to face her and she almost pushed past him so that she was in the room. Her eyes turned cold when she saw me and she glared hatefully at me. I returned the glare. God, she was a hateful bitch.

"Can I ask you what you need?" Mr Hinchcliffe spoke again. She turned her head to the left to face him and she pouted as she spoke, playing annoyingly with her hair.

"Sorry, Sir. But would it be possible to like...see you after school a few times a week? Because I'm finding this Macbeth essay ever so difficult."

"Miss Michaels, you've only had one lesson. Of course the essay is going to be difficult, we haven't even started on the class work yet! We know you're smart, but you don't have to rush ahead."

Natasha smiled her sickly sweet smile at him and again, flicked me an ice cold look. Felt sick...why was he complimenting this bitch? Oh, I remember...because he's a teacher. And he's meant to be a cool one at that. I slapped myself inwardly for letting jealously get the better of me. Hang on...jealousy? OH WHATEVER.

"Sir, could I please ask some ques-" He cut her off half way which made me smile, almost grin in fact.

"Miss Michaels, please. You have a whole 2 hour lesson with me tomorrow to ask me questions. But as you can see, right now I'm kinda busy. So if you wouldn't mind..." At this point, Mr Hinchcliffe opened the door and gestured for her to leave. I tried, but failed, to suppress a snicker.

"But Sir!" Natasha was almost pleading now, but he was having none of it.

"Go, Miss Michaels. Now."

With a sigh of defeat, she turned to leave and Marc (!!) headed back to me. She glanced at me and I heard her mutter 'bitch'. I had a sudden idea and before I could think it through, I did it. I mean...two could play at her game.

"Erm, Marc I don't suppose you have a bottle of water or anything do you?" I used the fact that he was at the opposite side of the classroom to my benefit, and almost shouted the question. I made sure that Natasha heard me call him Marc, and I was also sure that she heard his reply of "Yeah Jas, one sec." because I got the most evil, coldest glare I had ever had aimed at me. With that, she left the room.

Mr Hinchcliffe put a bottle of water in front of me and snickered.

"That was harsh."

"What was?" I asked, throwing an innocent look of confusion on my face.

"You know what I mean, but don't do it again. Marc is for when the others aren't around, I don't think I'd be able to hand it if all the kids started calling me by my first name. Authority confusion or what. She did deserve that, though."

I laughed and nodded, then apologised for calling him by his name in front of her. He waved it off casually. The my surprise, he jumped up and sat on the desk next to where I was leaning my arms. He looked down at me and told me to carry on with the conversation from before. Shoot! I almost forgot about what I was talking to him about...dammit. I carried on from where I'd left off, hiding my face and ducking down for the most part of it as I didn't want to cry again in front of Mr Hinchcliffe.

He also told me to tell him about the rest of my life and what was going on, so I thought I might as well do. This was actually making me feel a lot better, it was like a huge weight was been lifted off of my shoulder...and he seemed like he was truly interested. I told him about failing my classes last year, about how I was worried about my dad lately, about how I missed my younger brother Simon and I told him about how I was worried about failing my classes this year, too.

"And yeah...that's it. I think I took him for granted and I know that this is all my fault because I am a bitch to him, but I really don-" I was talking about how I felt about what had happened earlier when I was cut off by Mr Hinchcliffe jumping down from the desk and kneeling in front of me. He was now at my hight and he looked my right in the eyes.

"Listen, Jas. You seem to have so much more on your plate than any other teenager your age...and you're handling it brilliantly. I'm surprised you haven't broken before this, to be honest. You're really strong, and I'm sure you miss your mom but everything will get better, I promise I wont let the same happen to you. Now dry those tea-"

I cut him off with a shout of 'wait'. As I replayed the small speech in my head, I realised something. My mum? How did he know about her? I didn't mention it and It wasn't even on my personal school records, and Jess only knew the story vaguely. None of my other friends knew about it at all.

I'd known Mr Hinchcliffe for a day and he already seemed to know more about me than some of my closest friends, things that neither I nor my family had mentioned to him...

My mind raced...what was going on?

*/ Sorry, I have a habit of ending on cliffhangers haha. I hope you enjoyed reading, and if you did please comment/vote and let me know because your comments spur me on, they really do. Plus, i stayed up until 3am writing this...haha. Will update again soon :) Loves

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