"I get it man," Tristan says holding his hands up surrendering and giving her a wink when Finn looked away

"I can see this summer having problems already" Rory whispers to Logan

"You have no idea, but I can tell you there are lots of things Finn doesn't know about his sister that if he knew Robert would be dead," Logan says smirking

"Noooo, Robert and she have met... and...." Rory asks shocked

"Yup, we were all drinking, Finn was off with some girl at the start of the party, Robert got to the party about 20 min after Finn left with the girl, Francis and Robert were very drunk and dared to kiss, well the kiss went further, and some underclothing things happened. I think its best anyways so Finn thinks his sister is innocent or he may just die himself" Logan says

"Oh boy, so that's why she looks at Robert with such disgust?" Rory asks

"I think so, she didn't even remember his name afterword's but I think she remembers now from that look," Logan says

"Alright everyone get in the trucks, Logan, Rory, Colin, Steph and Tristan you're in my truck, the rest of you are with my sister, girls keep him as far from her as possible please," Finn says

"Yes, sir." The girls say

"Don't worry Finn, We will keep him with the luggage way to the back" Francis says

"Good, I don't want him trying to touch any of you girls other than Paris and not in my vehicles," Finn says

"Lets get this on the road I want to get settled and to the beach" Tristan says

"You surf?" Francis asks Tristan

"I have in Cali, but I was told the waves here are so much better," Tristan says

"If you need any help out there let me know, I'm more practiced then Finn these days. I'm a teacher and I do a lot of completions around here" Francis says

"We will see whos better later sis," Finn says

"Put your money where your big mouth is," Francis says sticking her tongue out at Finn

~In Finns Escalade~

"What are the plans when we get to your place?' Rory asks

"Unpacking then probably the beach," Finn says

"Sounds good," Rory says

Everyone in Finn's truck talked about how they all thought Robert was going to at least get slapped once before the day was over, About Finn's family for those who didn't know much about them and about what they wanted to do all summer long.

At the House

"Morning everyone, Your names are on your door's. Logan, Rory I hope its ok I put you in the same room if it's not I can change it" Lizzie says

"No, I will probably sleep better with Logan in the room with me, I don't sleep well in places I don't know," Rory says smiling

"That's quite alright darling. Now all of you go unpack we will have some food ready for you all shortly" Lizzie says

"Lizzie when we are done eating Logan and I were wondering if we could talk to you and Frankford," Rory asks

"Of course, I'm sure I know what it's about anyways," Lizzie says

The Kitchen

"Mate's, Siblings. Let's go to the beach" Finn says

"We will catch up to after we talk to your parents," Logan says

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