Chapter 9

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Jaehee P.O.V

'Dear passenger, we are now safely landed in Paris. This is your pilot, Park Jungmin,hoping that yall enjoy being here,in Paris. Also hoping that we could meet again in the next flight." the pilot give his last announcement.

Yes!Finally~After sitting down for hours. We finally arrived Paris.

All the passenger are ready to walk out from this plane. Some are really excited cuz maybe Paris always been their dream to visit.

Some are taking their bags out so it's like blocking people ways. So we have to stand wait.

Well for clever people, they sit and when people start to moving, they get up and moving too. They didn't waste their energy.

We all walk to the place where they take their luggage and bags.

While waiting for our bags and luggage to appear, Taehyung sang "Do you see my bag?~ Do you see my bag?~" While dancing to its choreography.

Me, Hoseok and Jimin are dancing Up&Down by Exid. And people around us are looking at us weirdly.

We already laughing and smiling even though we just waiting for our bags and luggage.

Jungkook, who is our cameraman, record everything. He too enjoying his noona and hyungs weird behaviors.

But he caught one who wasn't enjoying everything at all.


We all walked out from the airport after found our bags and luggage.

"Woah." Was all escaped from all our mouth. It's because of breathtaking view was right in front of us.

The Eiffel Tower could be seen here, shining brightly at the center of the city. (A/N: i never been to Paris. So i dont know if the Eiffel Tower could be seen at the airport. Sorry. Lets just imagine.)

I took out my camera and captured the first photo from Paris.


Our tour guide brought us to the hotel where we staying. He, Namjoon and Jin are check in rooms for us.

Jungkook are taking videos of us. While me, taking photos. Even my feet.

It's for my instagram feeds okay.

Others are joking/playing around while Yoongi just take a nap on the couch.

After done check in our room. Our tour guide bid goodbye and said meet tomorrow.

"What is my room number?"

"Who is my roommate?"

That questions be thrown at Seokjin. Then he quickly shushed us and told us to wait after he done talking. He arranged the rooms cards.

"The hotel only have four rooms with twins bed. The other rooms are occupied so yall have to pick roommates." He said that then linked his arm with Namjoon's arm. "And my roommate is Namjoon. So bye bye." He took their rooms card and walked to the elevator.

Then the rest of us quickly choose their partner. Im about to pick Jungkook as my roommate but Taehyung already claim him first.

I looked at my right to see Hoseok and Jimin already claim each other as roommate.

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