Chapter 3

172 11 8

Jaehee P.O.V

I have drink 5 bottle of soju while Jaen just drink not even half of bottle.

All she did just eat.

Maybe she knew that she's the one who gonna drive tonight.

"So how he broke up with you?" Jaen asked even though she knew that i was super drunk.

I scoffed and drink my soju. "He bring me to our favourites place hangout."

"At first he talk sweet with me. Then he kiss me sweetly. He showed his affection which i loved the most." I poured another soju on my glass and drink it up.

"And..... At the......... End of the He. Just. Said. We. Should. Break. Up. Saying that our love is fake. Which i know it's a lie. Then just like that he left me in front of my house." I laughed sadly.

Jaen looked at me sadly. The atmosphere also get sad.

But now. All i want is to loose up my feelings.

"Ahju-" I been cut by Jaen hand around my mouth. "You need to stop drinking or else you gonna get a real bad headache."

I shake my head like a little kid. And i think, whoever ever call me cute in high school would die by how my face crouched and my cheeks showing pinkish.

"Jaennnnnnn~~~~ Let me drinkkkkk moreee~~~~" i whined like a little kid.

Jaen just bowed to everyone as apologize for my friend behaviour. Then she gave the ahjumah a sign 'how much all this cost?'

"Jaennnnnnn" i continued to whining.

"Shushhh. People are looking." She shushed me.

"Will he look at me too?" I lay myself on the chair.

"Who?" Jaen paid the ahjumah.

"Him." I said.


"Huhu." I mumbled.

"I dont know. I think he wont. He is a famous person." She put back her purse inside her bag.

"Minnn minnn minn yoongiiiiiiiiiiii. Where are youuu." I laughed just by calling his name.

"Lets get you home Jaehee." Jaen put my arm around her neck.

"I dont wantttttt!" I said that but still my feet move along with Jaen.

When we are out of the restaurant.

"Jaeennnnnn~ Who is yourrrrr biassssssss??" I shouted put more weight to her.

Tonight is so cold till both our breath could be seen. Especially Jaen cuz she breathing heavily.

"Jaennnnnnnnn~ answer meeeeeee." I whined.

She knew that im not going to stop so she just answer me anyways. "Kim Namjoon." She blushed.

"Woooo~~ Shin Jaen is in love with Kim Namjoooonnn!" I said. People around is looking but who give a fuk.


I angrily removed my arm from her shoulder and frowned. "You dont have right to shush me right now!" I look ridiculous right now cuz i couldn't stand straight.

"Jaehee." Jaen took a deep breath as she tried to reach for me. But i keep backing away from her.

"No." I wiggled my index finger in front of her as a sign of no.

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