The Second Attack

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      After the two students exchanged phone numbers, Ouma walked home alone, disgusted with himself.

You weren't supposed to eat....and you did.

How am I going to punish you for lying and breaking your own rules?

He muttered, talking to himself.


Don't go to school for the rest of the week. But is that more of a reward than a punishment...? My grades will drop heavily, but I wouldn't have to deal with the other students.....


My parents would scream at me if my grades were to turn bad, so maybe it is more punishing.....

He decided.

Seconds after, Kokichi got a text from Saihara,

"hey are you home yet?"

"Nope, I will be in a few minutes though :P wbu?"

He replied immediately,

"okay just making sure you didn't get kidnapped or anything lol

and yeah I'm already home"

     Ouma blushed slightly at the fact that the other cared about his safety. He bit his lip as he thought about the other, something he's been doing more often. He didn't know what it was. Their dedication? Their strange personality? Or possibly because they were there when for him when he was being attacked and feeling down....

     He shrugged it off for now.


     Saihara waited patiently for the small individual at the school's entrance, but when the bell rang, Ouma still hadn't showed up.

"where are you?"

"I'm not feeling too well, so I'm skipping school for today :P"

Shuichi's breathing stopped for a brief moment as he began to panic.

"not feeling well? what's wrong? want me to visit you?"

"No, I'm okay! Just have a fever. I'll see you tomorrow"

     The day dragged on as Shuichi felt hunger and concern tear at him from the inside of his body, trying to claw its way out. In-between classes, he watched episodes of Danganronpa to calm down, and it worked. There was an announcement on the Danganronpa website stating that there were soon going to be auditions opening for participants of the 53rd season.

     However, Saihara's attention snapped to Rantaro, Kaede, and Kaito walking in the hallway, heading to their last classes of the day. Shuichi followed them from behind and blended in with the crowd of students, listening intensely,

" the hospital? What happened?"

"Dunno, he won't tell me."

"He probably fell down the stairs or something."

Oh....they're chatting about Kiibo.

Seems that he's kept his mouth shut...

     Saihara was so focused on following the group that he had hardly noticed Kaito walk in a different direction than the other male and female student. Once the hallway was empty, the pair turned around and gave Shuichi a dirty look,

"Are you following us, creep??" Kaede spat at him.


"Yes or no??" she demanded.

     And at that moment, Shuichi's mood changed. He recalled seeing the blonde individual yesterday, laughing. She did nothing to stop Kaito from humiliating Ouma....neither did the green haired boy.

"Are you gonna run off to your classroom, or are you looking for a fight?" Rantaro chipped in.

Shut up.


"I'll take him on! He looks like he'll snap like a twig!" Kaede said and took a step towards Saihara.

     Shuichi blinked at her before walking towards the wall. He muted out any sound and his eyes drained every color around him as his hands touched the fire extinguisher.

"!? What? Are you gonna spray that at me? You don't have the balls!"

     The student blocked her face with her palms as the male grew closer with the object, however, thinking that Shuichi was going to spray it at her was a fatal error. Instead, he used all of his strength, heart beating out of his chest, as he swung it at them.

The girl collapsed on the floor with blood pouring out of the side of her head.

"!!! W-What have you done??" Rantaro's eyes were wide as he sprinted out of the hallway in fear. He shouted as loud as he could,


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