When Shit Happens

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ali's pov: 

I was pissed. How could MArina do that to JAzmin! You never go after a girl's personal info yet Marina just had to do it. Jazmin won't leave her house cuz she feels like she will be the laugh of the school.

I'm headed to her house now and I hope she talked to prince. If anyone's hurting from Jazmin not being around anymore it's him. He ask about her constantly and all he talks about is how special she is to him.

 I walked to Jaz's door and noticed it was unlocked. I walked in and there was Jazmin getting dressed for school. Me- OMG

Jaz- What?

Me- Your going to school right?

Jaz- Yea, Leggo.

It feels great to have my friend back.

Princeton's pov: 

I was at home chillin listening to how do I breathe  when Roc called my phone 

P- Wassup?

R- Jazmin juss pulled up at school.

P- Forreal? Damn I gotta get there

R- she lookin for yu play boy.

P- What she sayin'?

R- Listen.

Jaz- Where's Prince? That's the only reason I came to school and he ain"t here? WTF is that? I grabbed my clothes and rushed to pull them on I grabbed my phone, house keys, and my car keys and rushed out of my house so I could see Jaz.

I pulled up at school and ran up to my boys.

Me- Where she at?

Roc- Right there.

 I looked to my left and there she was. Her back was to me but I still knew it was her. I walked up behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist.

Jaz- it's about time you got here.

Me- I missed you too beautiful.

Jaz- Where were you?

Me- At home, Missing you.

Jaz- Aren't you cute. 

Me- I don't a hug, kiss nothin?

Jaz- No.

Me- It's like that? alright then I'll just have to do this then.

I swiftly turned Jaz around and forcefully kissed her. She wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me closer.

Me- I thought I wasn't gettin my kiss?

Jaz- Shut up.

Me- So are you and Marina even?

Jaz- not yet I have a plan

The way we were...(A Mindless Love story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora