A cheerleaders life

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Jazmin's pov:

I woke up in the morning and walked downstairs to the kitchen where my dad was cooking breakfast.

Me- Hey

JD- Morning sweetheart, You'll have to ride to school with your brother this morning.

Me- Why? His annoying friends are always with him.

JD- Sorry hun

Ray- Morning sis. Eat up and get dressed so we can go.

Me- Ugh, I don't wanna ride with your friends

Ray- Too damn bad.

After getting ready I walked outside to my older brothers car and saw his 3 best friends: Roc, Prince, and Prod.

Me- Dammit! I have to ride with these niggas.

Prod- We'll be nice Jaz.

Me- Sure you will.

Prince- We will. See I'll give u a compliment. Jazmin you look very.... sexy in that skirt.

Me- Perv.

prince- You can't blame me for trying.

Me- Ray!

Ray- Yes.

Me- I have cheer tryouts so I need to get to school ASAP

We pull up to Todd Beamer highschool and my besties Mya and alliyah walk towards Ray's caar.

Mya- Awww, poor Jaz.

Me- What?

Ali- You had to ride to school with my brother and the rest of the Behavioly Mindless niggas.

mya- Damn, I give you props.

???- Jazmin.

Me- Huh. I turn around and I'm face to face with Scott Hemingson!

Scott- How are you doing beautiful?

Me- Much better now that your here.

 Scott- Are you cheerleading this year?

Me- Yeah, Why?

Scott- I need you to be cheering for me of course.

Me- You want a personal cheerleader?

Scott- Yep and it has to be you.

Me- why me?

Scott- Cuz I like being around you. Your special.

Me- I give you some credit for trying to game up a cheerleader.

Mya- Just not Jazmin.

Ali- Be nice Mya.

Mya- Scottt knows damn well that i don't like his pale skinnded ass!

???- Are you saying I should get a tan?

We turn around and Liam is behind us.

Mya- No Liam your perfect just the way you are.

Ali- Oh shit! Tryouts started 5 minutes ago!

We run to the gym and get in line for tryouts.

Coach- Davis, Perez, and Simmons your late

Ali- Sorry

We work our asses off in tryouts and couch is ready to tell us who the captians are.

Coach- This year's co captians are Alliyah Perez and Mya Simmons. Our Captian is Jazmin Davis!

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