tolo time ..................& big trouble part two

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Jaz's pov:

Me- Thanks for the ride Prince.

Prince- No problem Jaz.

I turned to walk into my house when Princeton grabbed my hand. I swiftly turned around and I was greeted by his choclate brown eyes peircing through my hard exterior shell.

Me- Do y-you need a-anything P-Prince?

Prince- Yes.

Me- W-What do you n-need?

Prince- This...

His warm and juicy lips collided with mine and I swear my knees gave out. I was so lost in the comfort of being wrapped in his arms that I didn't notice when Ray walked outside.

Ray- WTF?!?

Prince- H-Hi Ray

Me- Ummmmm, Hey big bro.

Ray- Will one of you please tell me what the hell is going on out here?!?

Me- ......... I'd rather not give any details.

Ray- And why did you skip so many classes today?

Me- I was kinda busy.


Me- Keep your damn voice down!

Ray- Explain busy Jazmin.

Me- I went to Willoughby park with a friend.

Ray- Does this friend happen to be 6'3, Mexican & black, and have a large curly afro?

Me- You can see right through me bro, Did I neglet to mention how much of a great brother you are?

Ray- Well you haven't...WAIT! Don't be tryin to confuse me. Was the friend Prince?

Me- Yes.

 Prince- Jazzy, I'll see you tomorrow... Umm bye Ray.

Ray- Keep your lips off my sister before I get a sudden urge to rip that afro off of your blaxican ass!

Me- RAY! Stop being so damn rude.

Ray- Don't tell me your falling for my boy Prince?

Me- We can finish this convo in our house, Bye Prince.

(Prince's pov:)

I walked into my house only to be tackled by my twin nephews Amari & Armon.

Mari- Hey unc.

Mon- Wuss hannen?

Me- Nothing much.

Mari- Why you got lip gloss on your mouth then?

Me- Uhhhh, Where's your mom at?

I decided to ignore my nephew's questions and look for my older sister Alexis.

Me- Lexi where are you?

Lexi- What do you need boy?

Me- Advice.

Lexi- Who is she and what happened?

Me- Jazmin Davis she's Ray's little sister and we made out at her house until Ray interrupted us. 

Lexi- Awww, my little brother is falling for his bestfriend's sister. So when can i meet her?

Me- After I take her to tolo. My big sister was the best. I can talk to her about anything or better yet anyone.

 I woke up the next morning and headed to school so i could face the wrath of Ray.

Me- Wassup Roc?

The way we were...(A Mindless Love story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon