Into The Fire

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Ransom's P.O.V

        After I had explained everything to everybody we walked into the school, we had already missed 1st period so we now were walking to our second period class. I walked at the front of the pack because I was the Luna, Lionel stood slightly behind me on my left, he had taken on the responsibility of being my protector, not that I really needed one but apparently his family's werewolf side had been protecting my family's werewolf side since, well, forever. Saphy stood slightly behind me on my right, she was 2nd in command, she was the Beta. Jax stood directly behind me, he was my mate, the Luna's mate. Wren stood directly behind Lionel, she was the Doctor's apprentice. Lullaby stood directly behind Saphy, she was our Doctor. Now we all knew how to fight, we all knew how to heal ourselves, but we decided we needed to start orginizing ourselves better. Like a real pack would, so we did. We had decided we would have all the proper initiation ceremonies for everyone tonight in the forest.

        We were in all the same classes, we had requested that so that none of us would be alone, and we got nervous if we weren't around each other almost 24/7. In gym, Jax had been alone, but now he had Lionel as well.

        We got to our 2nd period class, science,  just as the bell rang. The desks were split into groups of eight, with 2 rows of 4 in each group, which meant we would have another person in our row that wasn't a part of the pack. I sat in the middle of the front row with Saphy on my right and Lionel on my left and Lullaby next to Saphy, Jax sat directly behind me and Wren sat behind Saphy. Which left two open seats for anyone to sit in. "This wont turn out very well, with Lionel  and Jax's protective instincts and the fight this morning"  I thought.

        Diane Wells and her terrible boyfriend Jered Walker sat in the empty seats. "Oh crap" I thought, this isn't going to be a very good class. Wells was in the empty seat to my right and Jered in the one on my left, of course he was, just to tick the boys off. I could here a low rumbling growl starting up in both Lionel and Jax's chests.

"Calm down, do you wanna get kicked out?!?!"

I hissed to the two idiots sitting around me. Lionel still looked like he was in attack mode, but Jax had calmed down to just glaring at Walker. The teacher stood up and took roll then started to teach. I started studiously taking notes even though I could barely stay awake during this class, I still had to pass. I was ignoring Walker and Wells with a slightly inhuman determination. I would not get suspended on a Friday.

        Apparently Walker had gotten his fill of trying to irritate us this morning and didn't bother us at all. The day passed in a blur and before I knew it I was on my way home for the weekend, and the entire pack was coming home with me.

************************************************************************************************************         "Um.....Guys? I have something to tell you, promise you wont hate me or tell anyone."

Lionel said nervously. We all nodded and promised.

"I.......I'm gay."

Lionel said. I walked up to him and reached out to pull him into a hug, he flinched a bit at first but then wrapped his arms around me and cried into my shoulder.

"It's okay,we don't care, it doesn't bother us, OK? Now lets go we've got an initiations  a LOT of coronations to perform, lets get going."

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