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Casper's POV

I woke up at 3:27 in the morning with an insatiable need for red. Not just any red either. The red that bubbles up out of blue veins concealed by too pale skin and flows down your skin and drips to the floor. The red that comes after the sharp and the silver an the bite. I got out of bed as quietly as possible and walked to the bathroom after putting on a t-shirt. I winced as the cold tile hit my feet, but then I smiled because I knew I would soon get release. I closed and locked the door behind me. Before I had left the room I had grabbed a blade out of the pocket of my jeans. I sat on the floor and lent my head against the wall behind me. I gripped the cold fresh metal in my hand as I frowned at the anything but fresh skin on my wrists. Oh well, maybe my thigh today then? I thought while putting the edge of the blade to the skin on top of my thigh. One. I whimpered at how good it felt after a while without it. My blades were my friends, and needy friends at that. Four. The more blood that dripped down to the cold, white bathroom tiles the better I began to feel. Pain is better than emptiness, right? I think so at least. Nine. I started to feel light, like a feather or a cloud. Lucky things, they can float away whenever they like. Wouldn't that be nice? To just float away and be gone. Fourteen. The blood had begun to flow faster and thicker and more. I watched the rich red liquid pool in tiny little puddles around me. How nice. Red's my favorite color you know, besides the warm, chocolate-y color of Lionel's eyes of course. Twenty. My vision had started to blur but that wasn't a problem, my favorite part was almost here; slipping into a blood loss induced sleep and pretending I didn't have to deal with living anymore, for a couple of hours at least. Twenty-Seven. I smiled as I pushed down harder than any others tonight, getting ready for the finale. Thirty. The blade dropped from my fingers and clattered to the floor as I slumped against the wall, falling unconscious. I told you this was my favorite part.

Lionel's POV

I woke up to the sun shining far too brightly in my eyes. I groaned and rolled over.  I pulled my phone off of the bedside table to check the time. 12:14?!?!?! I slept through the whole morning. Damn. I wanted to spend the whole day with Cas and I just wasted half of it. Wait. Where's Casper? I jackknifed up and out of bed and looked around the room. Not in here. Well, it is noon, he's probably upstairs with everyone else. I pulled on a shirt and walked up the stairs quietly. Ransom and Jax were asleep on the couch together and Wren, Lullaby, and Saph were sitting at the kitchen table with coffee talking. "Where's Casper?!" I exclaimed a little too loudly.
"Shhh!!" Wren whisper screamed. "Don't you dare fucking wake them up!" She whispered angrily gesturing to the two on the couch. "They're absolute hell in the morning."
"I can't find Casper!" I said in a slightly quieter tone. They all looked at me, puzzled.
"We though he was asleep downstairs with you..." Lullaby said. We all locked eyes in simultaneous terror. I sprinted towards the bathroom and started banging on the door.
"Casper?!?!" I screamed desperately. "Casper open the fucking door!!!" I sobbed loudly. My sobs were becoming more hysterical by the second. "I'm coming in!" I said and slammed myself up against the door until it flung open. I wasn't ready for what I saw next. I wasn't ready in the least.

What's In A Wolf? (UNDER EDITING)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें