Start from the beginning

'' okay then just tell me if you need anything okay? '' Miss Rose insisted then left.

Hermonie, Jana and Mel turned to their bestfriend waiting for her to say something. Skylar looked at them and smile.

'' I'm fine guys don't worry '' she individually touched their faces.

'' hey everytime you say you're fine it means you aren't, but we're not going to force you just tell us when you're ready okay? '' hermonie told walking behind skylar and put themselves to a group hug.

The day passed by and it's night time. All retire to their own shared rooms and me? well still not in good terms with Skylar.

She didn't lay her eyes on me even for just a second, she's so distant even I tried to talk to her. It's a good thing that her bestfriends didn't notice us being not us. But I'm totally dying inside knowing that she's mad at me.

And now in this room it's just me and her.

'' sky please talk to me '' I told for the 10th times now.

'' are there something we need to talk about '' she replied monotonously, her back facing me not moving a bit.

'' just tell me anything, that you're mad at me or you hate me just please tell me something '' I begged, she stood up and faced me with a poker face.

'' just stop kaia there's nothing '' then she's aiming to the way out.

I blocked her instantly and not letting her to pass through.

'' let me out! '' she firmly said with her fist clenched beside her body.

'' No tell me that you hate me that you're angry with me, that's better than you acting like this towards me ''

'' fine you want the truth?? yes I'm mad but I don't know if that's for you, for Keana or for me and yes I hate you I hate you for making my life miserable like now. I'm not like this before I met you, my life was perfect. I have Aidan I have everything that was well planned but when I met you it was all fucked up, you said you like me but you had your time with my cousin the time I was so worried about you, you told me you like me but you let her kissed you infront of me. Did you know what I feel, did you know what I feel??? you don't have any idea Kaia '' she told me enraged, pointing her finger to my chest with all the hate clearly be heard on her voice then she started to cry.

I wanted to comfort her but she won't let me, everytime I stepped forward she steps two back.

'' Skylar it's not what you think, please listen '' I paused to make another try to hold her but fails again.

'' to tell you the truth I don't know what to do right now. I'm not good at this because it's my another first time to feel this way. When I met you in France I was not like this. I'm introverted and doesn't have  lots of friends and...and I thought it's impossible for me to feel my heart to beat fast again but you make it happen skylar '' I paused and she stared at me as if waiting for me to continue.

'' I fell for you that's why I become your tourist guide and enrolled to your school it's all because of you, because I want to be with you. I'm sorry if I fucked up your life  and your relationship with Aidan and if you want me to leave then I'm willing to do it, and I mean how sorry I am '' I choked.


Hearing all the confessions she's making I know now to whom I was mad. It's to myself, to myself who kept  on denying that I like her, that I'm falling so bad to this girl infront of me, the girl I met in France, to the girl who turns my world upside down, and to this girl who makes me so weak, so happy and sad at the same time, to the only girl who can make me so worried and cry and to the girl that makes me realize that love was not made only for male and female but can be also with the same gender.

I know she's also hurting like me and it's so inconsiderate of me to disregard her feelings knowing that she was the first one  who told me she likes me.

And now I think she was about to let me go because I'm telling her how she fucked up my life, but No! I was the one who did it to myself so when she was about to exit I sprint fast to her and pull her to mine. Our body instantly gets connected as our hearts beat as one.

'' I'm sorry I'm sorry please don't go '' I told her hugging her so tight. She gladly return the hug and rested her face on my neck until I feel something wet on it. I pulled up her face and level it to mine.

'' hey why are you crying huh, stop now please I'm sorry '' I told her but the funny thing is even me was crying  hard.

'' I'm sorry for everything '' she told me weakly. I wiped her tears from her face and let her eyes connects to mine.

'' do you remember last night when you asked me if I like you? '' I asked and she nodded

'' you told me that you didn't know ''

'' I know and I'm idiot because I think I  knew it from the very first time I saw you, my heart knew it very well, believe me or not it beats for you Kaia and I'm so sorry for taking a little late to make me realize. ''

'' like me too?? ''  she asked and I nodded.

'' yes I do Kaia. I do like you '' she smiled and the next thing happen? we are cupping each other's faces and sealed the moment with a kiss.

Cheating my Boyfriend with my Girlfriend (GxG story)  - COMPLETED  *UNEDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now