"Not even a peek," I confirmed.

I groaned as I realised I couldn't raise my wounded arm. "What's wrong?" Christopher worriedly questioned.

"My arm hurts and I need your help to wear this," I mumbled.

He replied, "I don't mind," and I could just picture the smugness on his face.

"Close your eyes," I demanded and he complied. I then walked up to him and stood in front of him.

"Help me," I whined.

He slowly and carefully raised his hands and went forward to touch me. His surprisingly warm hands landed on my bare waist. I squirmed because I felt a tingle where he placed hands, it was as if my body's senses heightened and it was aware of the amazing effect the person had.

He slowly raised his hands higher and my breath hitched, his touch was extremely soft, comforting and it lit up sparks in my body. He smiled softly as he felt me gasp and breathe heavily.

He skipped the part he knew he shouldn't touch and finally grasped my shoulder. He felt the material of the sweatshirt and then gently grabbed my arm and pushed it in without hurting me.

After my injured arm was in the sleeve, I quickly fixed myself and rubbed my cheeks to get rid of the blush that crawled up my neck.

"Thank you," I smiled at him and then quickly kissed his cheek as he stood there like a lovesick puppy with an idiotic grin while touching the spot I just pecked.

I laid flat on my back on his bed with no intention of leaving his room. He followed my lead and ended up beside me.

"Are you okay?" he surprised me by asking this question.

"I will be," I sighed.

He turned his body towards me and propped up on his elbow, "You can talk to me. I mean, if you want to."

I looked at him and nodded, "It's all just so unexpected. I guess more than the physical pain it was the emotional one. I mean, I can manage a wound on my arm but knowing my brother shot me on purpose when I was trying my absolute hardest to not majorly hurt him, I was upset. When he retrieved the gun, I was sure he wouldn't shoot me but, I guess I underestimated him."

"Feel better?" he asked already knowing the answer.

It did lighten the weight on my shoulders after sharing it with someone. Keeping feelings bottled away harms us in one way or the other.

I nodded and smiled, "I hope its over soon though."

He agreed and we fell in peaceful silence. I was the one to break it, "How's Hailey? So much has happened since I last saw her."

"She is okay. I don't know how long I can keep up the lie of being on a school trip, though."

I chuckled, "Yeah. Can I suggest you something, if you don't mind?"

He motioned for me to continue and I cleared my throat before speaking, "First off, I am sorry for how my brother threatened your sister but I already knew he was lying leading to my daring actions," he let out a short laugh at that. "However, after today I strongly believe you should tell Hailey. I mean, it's your decision but, I just feel she'll be safer if she knows the truth. She'll know what to do if, God forbids, she is in a threatening situation."

He seemed in deep thought about what I said and because he didn't say anything for a few minutes, I started regretting my decision of saying anything at all.

"It makes sense," he mumbled as soon as I opened my mouth to apologize.

"It is totally your decision, you don't have to agree with me," I shrugged.

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