Chapter 8

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*jackies pov*

"wow these are some sexy ass photos."

Me and zach walk down the path to my house while looking at the pictures.

"Your skin looks really good in this one. "

"What the hell you mean,  my skin always looks good!"

"i cant argue with that! "

We swiped threw about ten different photos. All of me from different angles and poses.

"You sure people will buy shit like this? "

"Of course! Your the hottest sophomore in our school!  No homo."

"No homo but if i was a girl would you date me?"

"hmm,  maybe. "

"id probly be sexy as fuck still. "

"would you be loyal?"

"Hm depends. "

"depends on what?"

"if he got the good D or not."

"whaaaat?  So your gonna be a hoe? "

"I wouldnt have to be a hoe if i got the good D. "

He laughed at how in character i seemed.

We came out the end of the trail that leaded to my front yard.

I seen a tan car drive by.  I couldnt see the person driving too well,  but i think he looked at me.

"hey jackie..?"

"Yeah? "

"Look at this photo"

I observed the image trying to figure out why he showed it to me. Alls i seen was me on the bridge, the water,  and some nice ass lighting.

"i am confusion."

"look.. "

He zoomed in the my face.

"what am i supposed to be seeing? "

"your ear ring.  Its missing. "

"oh shit really?? "

I desperately touch my earlobes to see if they are actually gone.

Sure enough they are.

"damn it!  They must've came out when we were swimming. "

I looked back down the path knowing that theres no way ill be able to get them back.

"welp. "

We came up to my house and went inside.

"Are your parents even home? "

"nah.  Out on business."


We went into my room and i threw my book bag onto my bed.

Zachary leaned his bag up against the wall,  as usual.

We ploped down into my beanbag chairs and took a moment to relax.

"so are you allowed to spend the night or what. "

"She said its fine. Im starting to think they dont want me there haha"

"well..  I want you here. "

The mood changed suddenly.

He looked at me a bit strange. His eyes just looking into mine.  An almost blank expression. His cheeks filled with color after a moment.

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