Chapter 3

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*Alex's POV*

My stomach hurts ughh. At least the laughing thing kind of worked?? God I can't beielve I started crying. He's right.. I should seriously do something with my life. I should start lifting weights or something. I feel so weak ugh. I can't let him push me around all the time.

I get up and wipe myself off. Great my new shirt is ruined. My mom is gonna kill me.

Where is my bookbag? I look around and see it over near the entrance of this area. I walk over and put it on.

I'm gonna get a headstart to 4th period. I snuck around buildings. If a teacher or staff sees me then I'm screwed.

Jeez. My heart in beating so fast. I can't beileve I just skipped 3rd period. Well I was forced, but still. I kinda feel like a baddass right now.

I finnally got to building 18. Science my 4th. The bell rang just in time.

The halls flooded with students. I stood outside the door waiting for my opportunity to enter.

Ahah! A space! I manage to finnaly get threw the door to the building and make my way down the hallway. I enter my class and sit in my seat.

After the bell rings again the teacher stood up and went to the front of the class. She had the attendance paper in her hand.
She started calling names.

The door open again. Who's that?

This tall, nicely shaped, kid came in. Hes got straight thin red hair, that looked like it outgrown a once bowl cut. His bangs swepted to the right of his face, not going any lower than his eyes. light blue eyes. He was wearing this long sleeve, black, turtle neck shirt. And some jeans. I noticed that he wore black ankle high converse.

"Um,, is this Ms.Wells?"

His voice is soft and clear.

"Yes it is."

She turned to him and held out her hand for his schedule.

She took it and looked at it. He nodded and gave it back to him.

I watched her look around the class for a seat he could sit in. This class period was pretty full. She gave him the seat behind me. The kid who used to sit there moved away earlier this week.

The teacher finished taking roll and sat back in her desk.

I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around in my seat.


"Kenneth's the name, um I accidentally dropped my pen and it rolled under your seat, can you get it for me please?"

"Yes Of course,"

I look down to find where it was. I reached under and grabbed it. It was a blue ball point pen.

I handed it back to him.

"Here you go. Im Alex."

"Alex hm, well thank yOu. I can see the start of a beautiful friendship?"

I gave a little chuckle at his surprising friendliness.

"Only if yoU want to."

"Yay. do you have A or B lunch?"

"I have A lunch."

"Oh me too! Would you mind if I sat with you?"

"Of course not!"

It's not like anyone else sits with me..

I looked at his notebook he had out.

"So you like to draw?"

My Love Hurts You (BoyXboy)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora