Chapter 4

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*Jackie's POV*

Class is almost over. Finnally 5th period is next. Hope, aka PE. I love PE. The bell rings and I leave my class heading for the gym. Suddenly my best friend comes up to me.

"Jack. I gotta show you something."

"Yeah what is it? It better be important."

I know hes my best friend and everything, but I cant afford to be late again.

"Look at this."

He swiped threw pictures on his phone.

"What!? No way!!"

I seen Alex kissing some boy. God I didn't know Alex was gay!! I'm not homophobic but seriously!! I sat on him. Like- Wait a minute. I'm sexy too, why dosn't he ever try to flirt with me??? That's total bullshitery.

That's it.

"Hey Zachary. I need you to print out these images. I want at least three copies of each."

"Sure thing."

"Okay good"

He started walking away.

"Make sure to send me those pics on message too!"


I turn back and continue walking to 5th.

I cannot beileve that cunt didn't ever tell me that he was gay. After all this time it's still a secret. Who the fuck. By now I'm supposed to be his #1 friend. I feel so betrayed. What if he's not gay? What if there's a girl? What if he was just doing some.. practice before they kiss! Yeah, that's got to be it. But still. I should've been the one he asks not some random kid I've never seen before. Who was that kid anyways. Probly Alex's boyfriend. Urgh. That gay bastard. He can't have a girlfriend. He can barely talk to his mom let alone any girl at this school. Total dweeb. Godamit!!

I wound up at the entrance of the locker room. I really must've zoned out for a moment there.

I swear Alex better skip this class or I swear- I just realized.. he's gay. And he totally gets dressed out in the locker room! He's probly looking at guys body's whenever he can! Okay I better get to the end of this.

I go to my locker and do the pin. I look around the room to see if Alex is here yet.


I take off my pants and sure enough here comes Alex threw the door. I put on my uniform shorts. I throw off my hoodie and put the uniform shirt on over my tank top.

I hear my phone go off. I got a notification.

I pull out my phone and check to see what it is before I waste time putting in my password.

*Asshole sent you an image (3) *

Ah perfect.

I quickly put in my pin and click the notification. It redirects me to our chat.

I can't beileve this still...

I look threw the pics saving each one to my phone. He sent me some I haven't even seen yet.

I felt my face get hot.

They seriously look like they're enjoying it...

I kinda wanna to put one of these as my wallpaper.. buuuuuuut that's too weird.


I go over to Alex's locker and lean against the metal next to it.

I kinda just stand there. Waiting for him to hurry up. By now the locker room is almost empty.

"Why can't you ever leave me alone.."

He finnaly decided to say something huh.

I looked around the room to see if any one was still here.

Everyone's gone.

I grab Alex by his shoulders and push him into the closed lockers.

"How can I ever leave you alone you fucking queer!"

His face scrunched up from the pain.

"Im... fuck off."

"OH look who decided to be confident for once."

He just glared at me. I grabbed him by his arm and started pulled him into the showers. I throw him on the ground.

"Well if your feeling so damn confident then I geuss you'd have no issues telling me who the hell that red haired kid is!"

His face turned red. He looked away from me.

"That's the new kid in school.."

"Oh is that it huh? Is that all he is? He isn't your friend is he? Whats his name."

"None of yOur buisness.."

I knelt down.
"Hm I think it is, so how about you open up that big mouth of yours."
I turned his face towards me.
"Come on dont make me get violent. "

"It's.. Kenneth."

I stood up.

"Kenneth huh. You wouldn't get mad if he just, oh I dunno, disappeared, would you?"

He look at me with anger in his eyes.

"Don't you dare! He's... He's my only.. he's.."

I kicked him in the side. He curled up instantly.

"Is he your boyfriend Alex????? Is that what he is?!??"

He sat up with his arms wrapped around his torso.

"N-no!! I-i-im not- I'm not gay!!"

"Oh really?! Is that why you sound like your about to cry, huh!?"

" not- I dont- i-"

"Stop. Shut the fuck up."

I heard him sigh and sniffle.

"We're just friends.."

"You don't have friends. And I'll make sure of that."

I watch his face fill with dread. Tears started pouring down in thick streams. His light skin turned unbelievably pale. He dropped his head. frozen, starring at the ground.

"Y.. your a monster."

He sounded kinda scary. He used a Low rugged tone.

"Yeah? Is that what I am, huh?"

He sat silent again.

"The only time I ever want you to speak and your not answering."

I sat criss cross in front of him again.

"..why do you hate me so much.."

I put my hand on his shoulder.

"Dont you see? I'm like this because of you. You make me this way. You drive me mad. Crazy even. "

"I'm not into guys.."

"Not in a gay way goddammit."

I heard him chuckle.


I get up and walk out. I head towards the door.

I walked out the locker room.

"Hey jack what took so long?"

"Um I had to shit?"

"Lmao okay."

Me and Zach walked over the bleachers and sat down.

"Wanna play some basketball?"

"Yeah but I need to rest for a moment."

"Hehehe that 'shit' must've took a lot of effort huh."

I laughed,
"Fuck off."

We sat there in a light feeling happiness for a moment.

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