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"Rise and shine!!!!" I officially hate this person. I haven't seen the person's face and my mind is still not working properly to make out who it is but I hate this person already.

"Wake up Abigail." I was lifted up from my bed and came face to face with a very bright and blinding smile of Linda's. Someone looks happy today. It's annoying. The day hasn't started and my body is already being consumed with bad aura.

"Why do you look so happy?" Her happy face was instantly wiped out when I opened my mouth. "What?"

"Your breath stinks." I hurriedly covered my mouth with my hands and glare. "Don't glare at me. You need to first wash your face then we'll talk."

Without even letting me grasp the moment she pulled me off my bed and threw me inside the bathroom. So, much for being gentle and caring. I brushed and washed my face quick and walked to the room to see Linda holding a glass of water. Not asking anything I drank the whole water in one shot.

"Why do you look so happy this early morning?"

"Why do you look so crappy this early morning?" Did I want to tell her? Nope. I'll just trouble her with my stupid problem. She already has too much on her shoulders.

"Why else? It's early morning." I replied in a 'duh' tone but she wasn't having any of it. Her face clearly says she doesn't believe me.

"That's strange as much as I know you're an early bird."

"Just didn't had a good night sleep. Let's forget about this and tell me what's the good news." Instead of responding she just gave me a confused look.

"The news that had you jumpy this early morning."

"Oh my god Abigail you won't believe this." Before I could question anything she shoved her phone in front of my face. I had my jaw dropped seeing these tons of messages from the great Jonathan Singleton. There were many kind of text; some that made me go aww and some that made me go Eww.

That man was a mixture of both cute and disgusting. How did he kept the balance between these two was out of my mind. With just some avoiding I didn't know a man can become this romantic and disgusting.

"You woke me up to show this, congratulations." I didn't want to sound like a brat but I didn't have any ounce of energy in me to jump around and shout out to the world what Jonathan Singleton had done. I was really not in good mood today. I just wanted cover myself in the duvet and avoid every single living creature. However when does thing go Abigail Manhattan's way. Before I could even have a bit of taste of the warmth from my bed, I was pulled up.

"What is wrong with you, Linda? Let me be alone." I don't care how much of a whinny brat I sound or if I have just thrown nana's all those lesson about perfect lady in a bin right now. I just want to be alone.

"I don't know what has happened to you. And I don't mind you not telling me because people have their own secrets that don't want to be unfolded nonetheless I am not letting you alone."


"Because at times like this people think being alone is good way to solve every problem but in reality they are just digging bigger hole of despair that's gonna devour them. And I am not letting you go through that."

"What do you expect me to do than?"

"Exercise." She shrugged as if she herself wasn't sure.

"Does my face give you an impression of someone into sports and exercise?" Her face clearly gave it away she didn't believe for me to be one.

"But for someone who doesn't exercise you sure have a great body. If I don't exercise for a day I'd gain minimum ten pounds."

"Oh! Honey no no no. If you think I was god gifted with this amazingly slender body you are so wrong. You have no idea how much of a hard and strict diet my nana had made me go through to keep my body fit and slender just because I couldn't pass through five jumping jacks like I was already breathing my last breath. With the amount of boiled vegetables I had to eat you have no idea how much I wanted to run away. It was all because of nana I could maintain my body, if she had let me eat the way Jason did I would have been on the chubbier side. I wish she would have let me maybe because of my weight Jason and the boys would have hard time kidnapping me and just left me on the road."

The Gangleader's Little PrincessUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum