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It has been weeks since the incident happened, the boys have been extra careful around me. They hardly make any discussion about their job and I was not even allowed to go to the basement anymore but what's bugging me the most is Jason. He has been acting so distant with me. He pretends like I am not even in the same room as him. More than that he hasn't come in our room to sleep, he spends his night in his office. Sighing I made my way to the basement I know they forbade me to go there but enough is enough Jason rather talk to me now or face consequences. I went inside to see all the boys busy in their own work, no one noticed me until I cleared my throat.

"Another dangerous mission you got tonight." I tried to joke a little but everyone had a hard look. Logan and Marcus quickly closed some briefcase which had some white substance and guns. I looked around a bit until my eyes landed on the main person of this gang. He made some gesture to the boys before I noticed it someone had grabbed my hand.

"Let's get out of her Abigail." I look at Johnathan and then Jason. The process kept on going for a couple second.  

"I want to talk to Jason." I stared at him but he was busy glaring at Johnathan.

"Uh.. Jason is busy right now. Can't you talk later?"

"No I can't. If we wait for later I know that later is never gonna come. So I want to talk now."

With those words out of my mouth he took the jacket hanging on the chair and dashed off the room while I followed him. I was busy looking at his back I didn't notice we were already in our room.

"So what it is you want to talk?" He made himself sit on the bed suddenly finding the bed sheet very interesting. 
"Why are you being like this?"


"Distant." Jason's eyes widened and started looking around rubbing his wrist the thing he usually does when he's nervous. "Jason is there something?"


"You know Jason your word says something while your posture says something else." I sat down on the bed beside him and took his hands in mine.

"Is it because of whatever happened that week?"

"No." Still lying.

"Look me straight in the eyes and say it, Jason." I faced him towards me but he was still avoiding any eye contact with me. "I'm right aren't I?"

Finally he looked at me after God knows how long. "Yeah you are right. After whatever happened I realize how toxic I am to you."

"What? That's n--"

"It is true princess. You had to see me do all those sin with your eyes. Your father loved you so much that even if it took his life he hid you away from this evil world and than there's me who's doing nothing but opposite. Showing you every evil things and corrupting your innocence."

"Yeah that's true but what can you do he's my father who loves me with all his heart and you're..... you're just... my kidnapper." Why did it feel so wrong to say those words?

"Yeah you're right I'm just your kidnapper." He gave me small smile before getting lost in his own world. I cleared my throat to get his attention.
"Exactly you are just my kidnapper so stop worrying about me." I tightened my eyes as I spit out every word especially the k word. It just doesn't feel right calling him that even though he is one. I faced him with a large smile and nudge him lightly.

"C'mon bro, you are a gang leader not just any gang leader the world's most fierce, dangerous gang leader and it doesn't suit a man like that to worry about a dumb and coward girl." I look at him to see his reaction but it was something that I didn't expected. He was raising his eyebrows as if dissatisfied with something.

"First don't call yourself dumb especially a coward. Second did you just call me bro?"

"Ah! Yeah~~~" I answered a bit unsure not knowing where this conversation is leading. He scoffed at my response.

"Unbelievable. You call me monster I bear with it. You call me kidnapper I bear with it because I accept that I'm both of it; but brother. I'm sorry but I can't accept you calling that." He waved both his hands and scrunched his face in dissatisfaction.

"Why? What's wrong with it?"

"Everything is wrong with it. No way am I being brother zo--- uh uh."

"Brother What?"


"If you don't want me to call you brother than what?" I tapped my chin with my forefinger like I was in some deep thought.

"If not brother than what? What should I call you?" I hummed taping my fingers. "Uncle!"

"Excuse me!" He looks so horrified that's the only thing I can say about his response.

"Well you don't want me to call you brother than why not uncle? And I don't see anything wrong with it you're old anyways." I tilt my head to the side hiding my smile. I bit my lower lip to contain my laughter. When it is about laughing I don't trust myself I could be in the middle of funeral and laugh my butt off if I find even a tiny bit of something funny. Yeah people I'm that kind of person I'm sorry.

"Old? Excuse me!! How dare you call me old? I'm just twenty two; just eight years older than you." Oh holy lord he looks like those old ladies who get offended when someone say they look old. His expression was just so funny mainly the fact he had his hand on his chest as if he was truly pained by thought of him being called old. This had me burst out laughing while slapping his forearm.

"If not uncle than what?" I was laughing so hard it was hard to produce without taking a gap to breath. "Aunty?!!" My violence on him got harsh as I finally let out the word from my mouth.

"Ha ha ha very funny Abigail Manhattan." He replied sarcastically but I know he found it funny too because he was biting the inside of his cheeks hard while closing his eyes.

"Are you done?" He asked me a few moments later when he found my laughing session wasn't going to finish anytime soon if he didn't make any comment.

"Why? You annoyed, Aunty?" I emphasis the word to mock him. "You know it doesn't exactly sound bad. I don't mind calling you Aunty from now on." Gone was the humor from his face, now it was only filled with horror.

"You really aren't going to call me that are you?" Instead of replying I started  laughing like a hyena not caring how red his arms have become because of my constant beating.

"If you're actually going to call me that then bye. I rather not talk to you anymore than hear you use that word to call me." He stood up to get away but I quickly stopped him by clutching on his waist and made him sit down.

"OK! OK! Fine I'm sorry I won't call you that." He finally let out a sigh of relief. "But on one condition." I raised my forefinger at him with a bright smile while he scrunched his eyebrows.

"You have to take me with you on today's mission."

*What do you think Jason's gonna do? Will he take his princess along with him on his mission or not? Keep reading this book to check it. And also I'd like to apologize for my tardiness and not updating for such long. I sincerely like to apologize to everyone reading this book.*

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