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We came in front of a really old building. I kinda get now why Jason was so worried about me not liking this place. This place looked like a haunted building that hasn't been used for 1000 of years. My hold on Jason's hands tightened at the sight of the unappealing building. God please save me and the boys from any monstrous thing that's in there.

I was so busy praying to God in my head I didn't notice the man beside me crouching a little to my height and eyeing me doubtfully.

"Princess?" I got startled at the voice.

"Yes?" I took a deep breath in before giving him a tight smile.

"You know right if you want to go back we can go."

"Of course I know that but that's when I want to go and right now I don't even have a slight feeling that makes me want to go home." Lies Lies. Right there's nothing more then the thought of going back of than this dangerous building in front of me.

"Let's get going guys." Jonathan and the guys were holding some cases with them as we headed inside the building.

There was this door that lead to the underground floor I guess. I clutched on to Jason's hand more tightly because of the darkness in this place. I can't even see a single thing even though I know I have Jason by my side I couldn't help but let out a whimper. As soon as the little mewl escaped from my lips a light beside me appeared. Jason was holding his phone with the flashlight on.

"Don't worry princess. I'm right beside you." I smiled at him before we continue walking a little more until we heard some music playing.

I think now I get why exactly Jason and Logan were worried about me coming to this place. It was not because of the cursed looking building but the actual reason was the place where we are standing right now is not the type of place minors like me should be roaming around.

The place had a dim light; many people were dancing, some were getting drunk, making uh... I want to say love but that looks anything far from making love. Some wonderful lady dancers were dancing on the pole may I add naked.

I don't have any bad impression about girls who have to work this way like we shouldn't just judge them because they took this profession but I swear I am feeling a lot uncomfortable right now especially when I am surrounded by young males.

Those ladies and I share the same private parts so I am getting a bit embarrassed right now that I have  my legs crossed caressing my arms.

"Looks like Robert is finally taking care of the girls properly. They look much better than last time." I look at the boys to see them gawking at those females. How shameless! I quickly stood on tiptoes and blocked the sight with my hands. My hands were really small in comparison to Jason's face it took both my hands to covered his eyes properly. At first his face was scrunched up in confusion but that face soon turned in to bright and amused expression.

"What are you doing princess?"

"What do you think Jason? You were looking at those ladies with such dirty look. You are disrespecting the females like that."

"You can't blame me though. Those girls are practically dancing naked and what straight dude won't have them look."

"A guy who has manners and respect for woman."

"Well sorry princess I am someone who is far from something mannered or whatever it is."

"I don't care what kind of guy you are I don't want you to look at them with such disrespect."

"Princess, they are hired to be used and stare by the male here however they like."

"Still.. I don't want you to do that. It makes me uncomfortable." I mumbled the last part bit embarrassed. I hear a light chuckle from him before he responded to me.

"Your wish is my command princess. I won't give a glance at them." Somehow those words made me blush as I take off my hands from his eyes.

"Wow! Isn't that Carol? She looks much healthier than last time, doesn't she Marcus?" I see Johnathan teasingly nudge curly. I look towards the stage to only see a girl beautifully spinning on the pole. How could this girl do that without getting nausea will always bug me.

"Who's she? Your friend? Girlfriend?"

"What? No!" He quickly denied causing my eyebrows to raise. "She's like a sister to me." Curly rubbed the back of his neck nervously. I don't know what happened in an instant James started coughing loudly repeating the word sister in between.

"James my brother looks like you got something stuck on your throat. Let me do the honor to help you with that." Marcus sarcastically spoke before trapping him in a headlock. I giggled at the situation in front of me, I know Nana said we should never laugh at someone's misery but the way James was having a hard time was so funny.

I realized that the lady had finished her show and was heading backstage holding few notes.

"Sister? Is she really like a sister to you?" I ask as I observe her every move before she disappears behind the curtain.

"Yes, Abigail. She's just like a sister to Marcus like how you are to Jason." I heard a fits of sniggers after Johnathan finished. I looked at Jason who was busy glaring the person who had his around my shoulder.

"Am I right Jason?" Even in this dimly lit place I can clearly see the smirk on Jonathan's face. From my peripheral vision I can see Jason gritting his jaw.

"I swear to God I hear one more person using the word brother and sister I'll shoot all the bullets in his head right here right now." Jason threatened dangerously but the boys just laughed at him like it was the most funniest thing they'd ever experience.

"Let's go to and find that a$sh*le we're supposed to meet." Jason angrily but gently grabbed my wrist and dragged me along with him.

The Gangleader's Little PrincessNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ