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"Where it is, Johnathan?" I blinked out of my little slumber when I heard that loud roar,rubbing my eyes I look at Jason who had the same confused look. Once we entered the kitchen we saw Marcus shuffling through the cabinets like a angry man with his phone in a tight clutch. I was feeling highly sorry for the phone, it didn't deserve the torture.

"What would I know?"

"I swear if you had eaten it, I'll stuff your face with chocolates until you choke on it."

"Me, why would I eat that bitter chocolate? Can we even call such bitter thing chocolate?"

Jason put me down on a chair beside Johnathan while we keep our eyes on Marcus' every move. I elbowed Jonathan and give a confused look when I got his attention. He just shrugged his shoulder in return.

"Finally, found it." Marcus hold his hand up and looked at the stuff in his hand for quite some time before facing our way. I awkwardly waved my hand before his happy demeanor changed into that poker look. 

"Here, take this." Marcus offered me a dark chocolate. I looked at it then at him in confusion.

"What's this for?"

"For your periods. A girl said it is good for your health and helps with your period cramps."

"And who is that girl may I ask?" I asked him suggestively wiggling my brows. He showed his forefinger in a wait sign then looked at his phone.

"This girl named Wengie." He showed his phone which was showing a YouTube video about period hacks. Wow and here I thought he actually took tips from a girl who he had communication with.

"Oh!!! She's cute. How old is she? Is she single?"

"What would I know?" Marcus frowned at Johnathan.

"She's 30 Johnnie and plus she already has someone in her life." I replied as I opened the wrapper of the chocolate.

"Thirty, for real? She looks 18 years old. Oh God she's so cute. I can't wait to have my own Asian girlfriend." I scrunched my eyebrows at him.

"You like Asian girls? Since when? I thought you only go for blonde women." Johnathan gasped dramatically and put his hand on his chest.

"I've always loved Asian girls and what do you mean I 'only' like blonde women. I love every kind of woman no matter their shape, size and color." I nodded my head not believing whatever he said because I have only seen him flirting with girls with Victoria secret body and blonde hair.

"Do you know what else did Wengie say in her video?" I love her videos and I never miss them, I always watch her videos right after my notification blows up, but after being kidnapped I have been anywhere but near social medias.

"She said you should eat veggies."


"I don't know, she was talking a lot. I couldn't process much properly expect for dark chocolates and veggies good for health. Why do these beauty gurus talk so much with such high enthusiasm I hate it?" 

"If they don't show enthusiasm their videos would be plain and boring. Plus, it shows how much they love doing this."

"Still I hate it. They sound like a bunch of kids on sugar high." I looked him with an 'are you serious' look before throwing my hand in front of him, so he could place the phone. I checked the video from the start but in the midway I saw a video by tasty in the suggestion box you can guess what happened. Yes, I ended up watching videos about food instead period related. 

From tasty video to mukbang (eating show)videos to prank videos, don't ask how did I ended up on Kian and Jc doing some stupid challenge. I don't know what's with these two guys not one second in the video they make me laugh like a girl with mental dysfunction. I was laughing with tears threatening to come out of my eyes when I felt a body hovering behind me.

The Gangleader's Little Princessजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें