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I groaned loudly shuffling under the warmth of a blanket and a hard pillow which was breathing. Hold. Wait. Breathing, a breathing pillow. Uhh... since when did pillow have respiratory organs for them to breath. I slowly peeked at the creature beside and to my relief it was no one but----

"Ah!!!!!!!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs that made the Greek god beside me jolt up from his sleep. When he busied himself looking at me worriedly I had grabbed the blanket all for myself and hide under it.

"What's wrong princess?"

"You--- you what are you doing here?"

"Sleeping." He replied in his sexy sleepy voice, I mentally shook my head and focus on the reason why I screamed.

"Why here?"

"Probably because it's my bed." He said in a duh tone.

"But I was sleeping here."


"What do you mean by so? A twenty two years old man and a fourteen years old girl sleeping together, isn't it illegal?"

"Yes, it is but when they are engaged in some sexual activities and we weren't doing anything near that." He said with a air quote.

"But still we slept on the same bed."

"Yes we slept not banged. So stop worrying about stupid things." I looked at him in disgust.


"Don't use that word again."

"What word?"

"That 'b' word."

"Wha--- his face suddenly lit up in amusement--- oh ban--"

"Stop!! I said don't use that word."

"If this is the reaction when I say bang I wonder how would you react when I say fu---"

"Lalalalala." I put my fingers in my ears and shake my head. I stopped my action when he ruffled my hair. I looked at him to see him getting off of the bed.

"I know people say ladies first but I'll like to shower first, if you don't mind." He stopped in the midway  and turned towards me shaking his forefinger beside his head.

"Or you know we can shower together and maybe in progress f*----"

"Lalalalala." He went inside the bathroom chuckling at my reaction. Did I tell you all this time he was with me, he was only in black sweats meaning he was shirtless? No I didn't, well I did now and might I say how toned body he has that broad shoulders, chiseled chest, bulging arms and that abs. Oh la---

Hold up a sec. What's wrong with me? What kind of fourteen years old girl thinks like that? I shook my head hard to throw all those thoughts about gr-- ahmm ahmmmm-- Jason from my mind.

I was staring at a pace before getting interrupted by a sound of door opening and closing.

"You were really----" I gasped way loudly than I should of me. Holy cheesy potatoes you got to be kidding me how come someone who's already so hot became more hotter by taking a shower. Jason was busy drying his hair with a towel whilst my eyes were busy ogling at his wet and hot body. Is it just me or the temperature in this room just rose up? Involuntarily my hand started fanning myself as I search for something to distract.

"Feeling hot, are we?" He asked me in a teasing manner as he leaned over me. When did he get near the bed so fast without me noticing will be a mystery. I faced him to only regret my decision. Close... Too... Close one wrong move and my first kiss will boom. I'll have my first kiss with the Greek god, not that I mind but I want my first kiss with someone who feels the same way as me. I pressed my lips together scared of losing my first kiss and leaned back a little shifting away from him.

"Nope, it's cold really cold." He came more closer as I tried to move away from.

"So you're feeling cold, right." His hot breath fanning on my face. A dreamy sigh threatening to come out of my mouth. "I guess you have a habit of sweating a lot when feeling cold." He said wiping my forehead with his fore and middle finger and showed me drops of sweat with a smug look.

"Uh ah--- get off from me." I pushed him hard but I ended up head butting the floor. "Oww!!"

"You alright." He looked at me worriedly that's what I wish I could say but unfortunately he was actually finding it amusing trying his best to control his laughter.

"What do you think?" I snapped, getting up. When I looked at him, he was trying to cover his mouth that was forming into a smile making my annoyance reach its peak.

"I am going to take a shower." I stomped from there without giving him a glance. I entered the bathroom like a queen but ended up losing balance at the slippery floor before closing the door. And that's my dear friends is what gave him a reason to burst out laughing like a retarded seal and me to turn red like a tomato. So much for being high and mighty.

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