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Today was a lovely day. A lovely day to stay in bed and do nothing after a nice brunch. However I didn't do that. If I stayed in the room all alone I would keep on thinking about those words; the three girls talked about which would result me swimming in the black hole of despair. So, here I am in the doggie house of the Miller gang.

I found that today was the vaccination day for most new born puppies and the adults were going through their regular check-up. It was supposed to be a small and simple checkup that could have finished in a short period but it turned out a certain someone's possessiveness and protectiveness for their family gave a hard time to the vets. I hope everyone guessed it by now who am I talking about. Lucan is one possessive male, I wonder what would he be like if he was a human.

From the information I got he had to be locked down until Lexi and all her pups were checked thoroughly. Turns out that the people who came to check were also the ones who were assigned to terminate Lexi. No wonder why he had so much trust issue with them. After everyone was checked and Lucan was also vaccinated, he was let out yet only after all the doctors were out of the house. He was pretty aggressive when I first arrived not even letting any man come near them but after a small jab from Lexi, I was let in. The power a wife has over her husband is really indescribable.

At first he was very hostile and now a few seconds after my arrival my goodness he was sitting on my lap asking me to pet him without stopping like a brat. And might I tell how light he was. Please note the sarcasm. When I try to tell him I'm done he'd look at me with those adorable eyes and lick my fingers. Why on earth does a dangerous wolf like him has too irresistible and adorable eyes it's so unfair. I was giving so much love to Lucan I swear I saw a bit of jealousy in Lexi's eyes.

"Please not you too Lexi. I don't want you to hate me. Do you know the people in the house are not very happy with me? They don't even like me, they're just tolerating me for their boss' sake." I lightly laid over Lucan's body getting a bit depressed. "Why do they not like me? Did I do something wrong? I just want to live happily with everyone."

I felt something wet ran over my face. I giggle at the sensation and tell Lucan and Lexi to stop but they just keep on licking me more and more. Whoever said pets are humans best friend, they were right. They just know how to light one's world with just one simple gesture. As if the two of them weren't enough, their puppies also joined the party. I was having my very own puppy therapy I barely notice a small puppy a little away from it's family; observing us carefully.

When I finally took a heed of that little pup, I was up in a matter of time. We both were having a huge staring competition. The little baby looked an exact replica of it's dad. He/she was the only one with the same fur of their dad and today was the first time I notice. How didn't I see her/him before? I leaned forward to get closer to the puppy but it just ran away in a far corner.

"Not a people per--- uh puppy, are you love?" I tried to call him/her to me several times but it all went in vain. The puppy wasn't budging from the corner even a little bit. I sighed with my head down in disappointment. Patience... yes patience is the key. If I try to gain it's trust slowly maybe the puppy will come to me on it's own.

"Not today but one day I am sure we will be great friends. And I will be waiting for you right here till that day." Even though I was smiling I couldn't help being disappointed. I just wanted to be good friends. Am I really that much of a nuisance that everyone hated me?

"Am I disturbing something?" I looked up to see Linda when I heard a knock.

"Oh! Linda. Come in." As soon as Linda was going to step inside the room Lucan started growling and snarling.

"Bad doggie." I touch his muzzle and used a stern tone. I thought it'd be hard for me to stop this wolf but Wow he obeyed and gave a sad puppy eyes before laying beside me.

The Gangleader's Little PrincessOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant