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I felt his hand go under my shirt. I made some unfamiliar noise as I leaned towards him, my hand cupping his cheek. Just then a loud gasp emitted from my lips as I heard a loud bang from opening the door of our room.

"What the heck?" Jason yelled at the culprit as I put my hand on my chest trying to calm my beating heart. I looked at Johnathan to hear his explanation for his sudden unasked visit.

"My pedophilia radar was making a loud signal and there's only one guy I know who is a pedophile. So I came to check if everything is alright."

"Out now!" Jason rubbed his temples before commanding Johnathan through his gritted teeth.

"I was right, wasn't I? You guys were gonna do the dirt." He pointed his fingers at us with horrified look as he saw out position. "Abigail get up, as your brother I will not agree you staying in the same room as this perverted horn dog."

Johnathan took my hand and started dragging me away from Jason and his room. Before we could go far from the edge of the bed Jason grabbed my hand and stopped us.

"Where the f*(k do you think you are taking her? Sorry princess I'm pretty angry right now to care about my language."

"I'm taking her away from you dirty old man."

"Excuse me, last time I checked I was the boss. And who you calling dirty old man?" Jason really looked offended by the whole old man comment. I looked Jonathan for his comeback, who overdramatically gasp in a feminine way.

"Excuse me for real. Wow, you finally learning manners. I'm proud of you."

"Do I look in the mood to joke right now?"

"Do I also look like in the joking mood? Let's Abby decide. Abigail my dear sister, do you want to pregnant at this age?" I shook my head 'no'. "Do you want your child go through those possible complications because of child pregnancy?" I again shook my head 'no'.

"Why are you asking me these questions, Johnnie?"

"Because I genuinely care about your well being and if you spend the night in this room tonight, there is 101% chance you're gonna end up being pregnant."

"What?!!" Jason yelled while I stayed there dumbfounded. I want to defend Jason but I don't want to admit that I was the one initiating. I was too embarrassed just remembering that scene. Somehow I was thankful Jonathan came and stopped this stupidity I was going to commit.

"I don't think that's true Johnnie. You probably had some misunderstanding." I look anywhere else but the two male. I can't believe I just let my hormones take control of me. Since when was I so irrational.

"Hold up. Abigail tell me, were you aware about the fact what he was trying to do?"

"What are you talking about?" My voice came out lower than a whisper as I try to end my flushed cheeks.

"You Sicko she's fu..fudging fourteen." Jason stumbled as Jonathan pushed him hardly. "How can you make a move on a little girl?"

I wanted to correct Jonathan that it wasn't him but me that made the first move. However, I was embarrassed and scared about their reaction when every member in this gang find out the little miss Abigail who always acted like a goody two shoes seduced their boss. I shiver at the indelighted feeling.

"I know that you don't have to keep reminding every single time."

"Well our boss didn't leave us a choice. Abigail you are sleeping with Linda tonight." Without any question I followed Johnathan. I didn't have any choice. I mouthed a sorry before being dragged to Linda's room. Just before we reached the room other boys came in the view.

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