5.2 Sokovia

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We arrived in Sokovia. We landed in a snowy pin forest. Initially everything seemed calm. Steve took out his motorbike, Thor, his hammer. Banner leached out Hulk and I took out a small but powerful jet pack that I attached to my back. We could see Strucker's base near the woods, in a stone fortress.

Few minutes after we landed, a thousand of armed men shot at us. Hulk, Thor, Nat and Clint went first and knocked down a maximum of HYDRA soldiers as possible. Steve and I were next to each other.

"I'm sorry" I mumbled. He turned to me, shocked as it was the first time he heard me apologise.

"It's me... I should have told you about the mission" he said.

"Hate interrupting such a sweet moment but we have to go" Sam said from behind. He laughed, and Steve and I took off. I turned on my jet pack and peaked in the sky. Soldiers were shooting at me, but I avoided there bullets. I saw dad few meters ahead of me. He shot at the fortress, but it rebounded, almost hit him back.

"Shit!" He cursed. In the earpiece Steve responded to that.

"Language! Jarvis what's the visual from up there?"

"It looks like the castle is protected by some kind of force field." The AI answered.

"Like and energy shield?" Dad clarified.

"Yes, Sir"

"I'll take care of it!" I shouted. With maximum power, I headed to Strucker's base. The closer I got, the more I could feel the energy. It was the same type of energy I felt when I approached Loki's scepter. In fact, it was with no doubt, the same. The shield enveloped the whole base; it could be lethal for me to absorb this amount of raw energy.

"I can't disable the whole thing. I can only deactivate a minor part and then disable it from this inside.."

"No problem, honey" Dad and Steve said simultaneously. I busted in laughter, and I could feel the awkwardness of Dad and my boyfriend.

"That was the weirdest thing I heard today" Clint said.

I landed in front of a wall covered by a thin blue layer. With the glove dad offered me yesterday. I absorbed a part of the energy, creating a small breach in the shield and shot it back on the naked wall. I entered the vacant room.

"Ok, JARVIS can you tell me where the source is?"

"Top tower on your left." I looked over my shoulder and saw a higher, more secured building. I ran to it, knocking down few HYDRA soldiers on my path. I arrived in front of a fortified door and made it explode at once. I saw the generator and stabbed a knife in it.

"Amazing, Stella!" My dad exclaimed.

"I'm coming at you, right now" Steve added.

Few minutes after, I heard the roar of an engine. Steve stormed in.

"Jump on!" I did as he said and humped on the back of his motorcycle. We went into the castle.

Steve and I arrived in front of a huge metal door.

"I feel something..." I whispered.

"You feel something?" Steve was puzzled.

"Oh yeah, um... it's a new capacity I developed. I can feel the human energy. Like vibration and heat energy mixed together... it's kinda weird" It was getting closer. It was a meta human. I knew it. Their energy is always denser. I slowly took out a blade from my back pocket and got ready to attack. I turned around, but Steve wasn't there anymore. Everything was too silent. The presence was closer than ever, like it was right behind-

Everything turned black. I was in an unknown place. I couldn't feel anything except but cold and emptiness... Blurry shapes drew themselves in the darkness, and I recognized Steve's body. And suddenly the darkness turned red. Steve got closer and handed out his hand. An unexplainable force drove me toward his hand. But when I tried holding it, it turned into dust.

Bodies around me, appeared. Fury, Pepper, a adolescent boy, a black woman. They surrounded me and looked in my direction. Suddenly they turned into piles of grey dust.

Steve's voice resonated in my head. Six bright lights shone in the darkness. The blue, yellow, green, purple, red and amber lights sparkled.

I fell into the darkness and cried. I was alone. I had this wave of guilt flooding my body, without knowing why.

The light came back. Steve's voice was blaring in my ear.

"Stella!" I looked around. Steve was in front of me, and a young woman was laying on the floor. She was enhanced. "Are you okay?" He asked. I nodded. "I don't know what she did to you, but it was like you were away for a moment." I couldn't speak. I couldn't destinguish the fake from reality. I saw Steve dying right in front of me...

"We have to get the scepter!" I ultimately said. Steve acquiesced and we ran to the main lab.

"Ah... Captain, Necroblade. I was starting to think you would never come" A bald man with an eyeglass said. He calmly got closer. Steve rose his shield while I took out a knife from my back.

"The enhanced, how many are they?" I questioned. Strucker looked at me and a smirk curled on his pale face. The second after Steve got pushed by an invisible force. It was the young woman from earlier. She was about to do the same thing with me but I stabbed her first on the side and pushed her down the stairs.

"Not fast enough, missy" I said. I heard Strucker running away and without even looking at him I shot his thigh. I didn't detach my gaze from the metahuman. Something fast kicked me multiple times. It had the same energy as the woman but I couldn't detect where it came from. Without noticing, it struck me in the legs making me fall. A tall man, probably in his twenties stood in front of me. He had snow-white hair and piercing turquoise eyes. He looked at me with anger.

"Is that fast enough for you?" He smirked before escorting the woman in his arms and vanishing in light speed. Steve stood back up and moved to my side.

"Impressive, right" Strucker said between two grunts of pain.

"We have Strucker" Steve said to the Team.

"And I... have the scepter" Dad answered.

Stella Stark // ORIGINS [REWRITTING]Where stories live. Discover now