3.4 Malibu mansion attack

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The smooth morning sun rays woke me up. James was still sleeping next to me. I stood up and put on a pair of shorts and an oversized t-shirt, that probably used to belong to my dad. I went down, as I expected dad was awake in his lab, still working on his suits.

"Merry Christmas" I said. He lifted up his head and smiled. He put down his tools and walked to me to hug me.

"Merry Christmas" he responded.  "Slept well?" I nodded.

"And you how many hours did you actually sleep?"

"Two or three hours, I think.." I sighted and hugged him. We stayed in his lab and dad continued working on his suits. It's been a while since I spent time with dad like that and for a moment the world seemed right. I was getting married to the man I loved, my father accepted it, I had no mission to fight psycho killers or aliens from another dimension. But when you thought that everything was going to stay like that, dad's phone rang. I didn't know what the phone call was about but dad looked worried and sad. He hung up -was he crying?- and took my hand.

"We need to go to the hospital, Happy..  He..." Dad didn't finish his sentence caught up by the emotion. I quickly put on a pair of jeans and jumps in the car. Dad didn't say a word during the whole ride.

We arrived in front of the hospital. Few journalists and paparazzi were already there, but nothing much. We rushed into Happy's room. His face was burned same as his right arm and leg. he had a bandage around his forehead and tubes coming out of his mouth. Happy was unconscious, in a coma, no doctor could say if he'd ever wake up. Dad's eyes filled with sadnees and became watery.

"I'll get the man who did this!" We got out and went back to the car. Dad looked angry. 

"What are you thinking about?" I asked.

"We need to find this guy. Whoever he is he hurt my friend, and he's gonna pay for it."

The front of the hospital was now flooded by cameras and journalists.

"Mr. Stark, Ms. Stark, what happened? Are you going to do something? Is it the matter of the Avengers?" They all shouted. I tried to cover my face and ignore the questions but dad took the phone of one of the journalist and started talking.

"Here's a holiday greeting I want to send to the Mandarin: My name is Tony Stark and I'm not afraid of you. There's no politics here it's just good old fashion revenge. There's no pentagone, it's just you and me. Here's my home address: 10880 Malibu point 90265. I'll leave the door unlocked." He finished and threw the phone on a wall. We got in the car and drove away.

"What exactly was that?" I yelled. "You just gave your address to the whole fucking country!" Dad didn't answer, he just kept looking at the road.


Going home, we told Pepper and James about what happened to Happy. The Mandarin posted a video, declaring the attack at the theater was his idea. Dad stayed hours in his lab looking for informations on the Mandarin, and details of the attack. Pepper went upstairs, doing I don't know what and James went back to his apartment. I stayed in the leaving room watching TV. The news were passing the video clip of dad telling the address, over and over again, like they wanted the whole world to know. Dad told the address less than three hours ago and multiple helicopters and cars were already surrounding the mansion. 

The door bell rang. Seriously, we were in total security lockdown. A tall woman was knocking on the glass door. She looked familiar, I might have seen her before on photos. She had long brown wavy hair running down her shoulders and a permanent warm smile on her face.

"Hi, Maya Hanson, I'm an old friend of Tony I have to talk to him."

"Normally I would trust you and let you in, but my dad just threaten a terrorist, so... you understand right?" I nicely responded.

"So Tony is your father..."

"Maya!" I heard from behind me. "Come in" I let her in and carefully closed the door behind her. "Please tell me there isn't a twelve year old child waiting at the back of your car..."

"He's thirteen and no I'm not here for that"

"Oh great, cause I'm in a committed relationship, now" He exclaimed. Two bags fell in front of him. "With her" Pepper went down the stairs with a bunch of bags and suitcase.

"Hi, sorry, with Happy in the hospital I didn't know you were expecting guests. An old girlfriend?" Pepper said.

"Oh no it was just one night." Maya answered. "It was great"

"Oh okay okay and this is where we stop! I have no interest in my dad's sex life" I cut off Maya.

"Come on, Stella, Tony we're going out of town" Pepper continued.

"No we're not!" I protested.

"That's a great idea let's go" Maya added. Dad and Pepper started arguing when Maya wondered in the living room. Dad started yelling even louder and Pepper tried to calm him down. I noticed something heading to our house, and Maya did too.

"Guys, guys..." Maya tried to say.

"Dad, shut up and look!" I pointed the horizon. A nuke was heading straight in front of us. We didn't have time to do anything about it. It exploded in the house and we all got propelled. I crashed on a wall. The room was filled with smoke and flames it was impossible for me to see anything. A wall fell right in front of me. I heard Maya screaming. I couldn't see the others. I tried to get out of the house but I was trapped. I heard dad calling me.


"Here! I'm trapped!" I shouted back. The pile of bricks in front of me moved and I saw dad in a suit moving them away. 

"Come on, let's go" Dad stayed behind me. Three helicopters came to us, all ready to attack. They shot at us. as we tried to avoid the bullets, the mansion was slowly sliding down the cliff. With one explosion, the ground underneath our feet tremble and the house went down even more. Dad and I fell, givig the opportunity to the helicopters to shoot more at us. Dad took the piano and threw it at one of them, making it clash and sink in the ocean. 

"That's one!" 

He shot me a ray that I absorbed and threw back at another helicopter. 

"and two!" But the helicopter didn't crash in the water as expected, it crashed in the house. Dad and I fell. Dad took my arm and threw me as far as possible, before sliding into the ocean. I ran to the steady geound were Pepper and Maya were. I thought dad was following but when I turned back I noticed I was alone. 

"Dad!" I cried out. "Dad! where are you?" The whole mansion fell into the water without leaving a trace. The last helicopter left. Pepper held me in her arms. She tried to stayed emotionless but I knew she felt the same thing as me. 


The police, firefighters, the press and some agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. came to what was left of the house. The one question they were all asking themselves was Where is Tony Stark, and even I ddn't know. Many of them already assumed he was dead but I knew it wasn't possible, that he couldn't leave Pepper and me like that. Pepper and I went inside to see if there was anything left. I wondered in what used to be the living room and the kitchen. 

"Stella!" Pepper yelled. "Stella!" I ran to her, for a second I thought she was crying when she was just extremly happy. "He's alive, listen" She handed me on of the Iron Man helmet. I put it on and dad's voice started playing.

Pepper, it's me... I have a lot of apologies to make but not a lot of time... I'm sorry that I put you in danger. And I'm sorry in advance cause I won't be able to come home yet... Tell Stella I love her.

When took off the helmet, tears of joy ran down Pepper's cheeks.

"We have to find somewhere safe" I said to Pepper and Maya.

Hey everyone!! See I told you I will update more often. Little side note, I currently writing (re writing actually) a X Men fanfiction, cause X men are my second obsession after the avengers ;)) I will post the first chapter in few days so if you like x men stay tunned ;)) (It obviously doesn't mean I'll write less on this fanfiction). The story is getting close to 700 reads, idk what to say other than thank you :)) don't forget to vote and comment 

love you, guys

xxx blackleeloo

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