2.2 Loki

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Dad and Banner were in the laboratory, already working. I didn't want to take part in it, so I continued walking down the hall. I arrived in a room with a huge glass cage in it. There was a control panel in front of it. I read something about it, it was made for the green guy if things went wrong. Typical Fury. I didn't understand why there was this thing in here, Banner looked calm and it was more likely going to annoy him.
"Stark!" I heard in my earpiece. "We got him!" I jogged to the main room.

"Where is he?"
"Stuttgart, Germany" Hill answered.

In less than five minutes, we were all suit up. Even as a S.H.I.E.L.D agent, I never lost my "hit girl" ways. As weird as it seemed, I always felt like public attacks are as mediatized as a hype Californian party so I had a different outfit for every battle. Today, I wore my black leggings with a light blue sports bra and took some of my best knives.
"You really going to dress like that? To fight?" Steve asked.
"We don't all have to look like the American flag, Rogers." I saw a small smile appeared on his face.
We entered the jet, Natasha was in command, in the cockpit and my dad was nowhere to be found.

We finally arrived above a bright palace. Hundreds of people were on their knees in front of a tall man. He was wearing gold armour, with a golden horned helmet. He held a weird sceptre. An old man was standing in the crowd.

"Look to your elder, people. Let him be an example." He shot a blue-ray out of his sceptre, to the old man that was standing in front of him. But before the ray could hit the man, I jumped out of the jet and absorbed it. I never felt energy like this before. It was so powerful. So pure. I froze for a while as the energy filled my veins.

"You know what's missing to your panoply? A little moustache." I joked as I shot back the ray at Loki. He fell down in the crowd. Steve jumped behind me.
"I agree, last time I was in Germany, and saw a man standing above everybody else, we ended up disagreeing." Loki slowly stood up. "The soldier, the one who's out of time." He slowly said.
"Hey! Not cool man, it's not because he's antic that you have to remind him." I yelled.
Loki looked at me with anger and shot a ray at me again. I immediately absorbed it, feeling the power again.
"Honey, don't you see? It's useless on me." I responded. Romanoff brought the jet behind us. "Loki! Drop the weapon, now!" She said over the microphone. Loki threateningly walked towards me and shot a ray.
"Are you deaf or something? I told you, it's useless." I slammed the bottom of my shoe in his stomach and hit him back with the energy. Cap joined me, we fought for long minutes when we heard ACDC blaring from the sky.
"What is that?" Steve asked between two kicks.
"My dad" I laughed
My dad appeared behind us in the Iron man armour.
He knocked Loki down, oddly Loki didn't resist.


In the jet, Loki was silent, observing us. For a long time, he stared at Steve and my dad. They were both talking about the Tesseract and Loki's sceptre. I sat in front of Loki and looked at him. We locked eyes and smiled at each other. He had intense green eyes oddly similar to mine. He leaned forward, intensifying his stair.
"What is your sceptre?" I whispered. He chuckled.
"Why do you want to know?" 


"You! Stop talking to my daughter!" My dad yelled. I rolled my eyes yet Loki continued to look at me and I continued scrutinizing his weapon. There was something about it, I felt effortlessly drawn to it. I stood up and joined my dad.

"Stop looking at this sceptre. You saw what he did to Selvig and Barton." My dad calmly said without looking at me.
"He did it with his sceptre." I quickly responded. My dad turned around, with a fierce look.
"Exactly! Don't play with fire!" As he said that the jet trembled and thunder broke the dark grey sky.

Loki whimpered, glaring at the sky.
"Afraid of a little lighting?" Steve joked.
Loki slowly and peacefully answered. "I'm not overly fonds of what follows." We heard a shock on the roof. Out of nowhere, a blond man with a red cape grabbed Loki and jumped out of the jet.
"What just happened?" Steve asked.
"What's going on back there?" Natasha added.

"Thor..." I mumbled. The two men turned to me. "Thor, Prince of Asgard, son of Odin. Loki's brother. You two should read more- uuuurgggh" I said louder. I grabbed a parachute and put it on my bag.

"Stark! We need a plan!" Steve yelled as I opened the Quinjet's backdoor.

"Mind telling us what you are doing." My dad said.
"Going to get Loki! And for god sake... I'm not twelve anymore!" I shouted right before I jumping.

I landed on a cliff, I could hear two men talking. I followed the noise to arrive behind Thor and his brother.
"I'm landing the Quinjet a few feet away from your position." Natasha informed me in my earpiece.

I could hear the Gods' conversation from afar."I remember a shadow. Father always preferred you." Loki complained.
"Ohhh.. boohoohoo..." I said as I fake cried. "You know, when I argue with my father, I don't deal with my family problems by destroying your planet" I walked calmly to the two Gods.

"You should stay out of this, small Midgardian." Thor warned me. I was going to throw two of my knives in his lap and take Loki, but something erupted from the sky and tackled Thor. I jumped to Loki and took him to the jet.


"Ant. Boot." Fury said with a smirk to Loki. We were all watching Fury's long monologue, in the main room. Loki was in the glass cage I saw earlier. I kept staring at him. His silence was suspicious. He didn't resist when we brought him here, and now Fury was threatening him, and he didn't say anything.
Fury left Loki's cell. Everybody started talking about what just happened. I took this opportunity to go and talk to Loki.

I opened the steel doors and made sure the security cameras were turned off. I stood a meter away from the cage. Loki was facing the opposite direction. He sensed my presence, I didn't see his face but I swore I could hear a smirk drawing on his face.
"Ms Stark." He devilishly said. He turned around and walked to me. "You have odd ways to welcome your guests."
"We're generally not very welcoming to the alien murders, even if they're Gods" As I said these words, he took few steps forward, his face nearly touching the glass.
"You never answered me. What is your sceptre." He lightly laughed.
"Powerful, right? You want to understand it so you can use it, am I wrong?" I didn't say anything back. I wanted to understand why I reacted that way to it.
Seeing that he wasn't going to give me any satisfying answers, I decided to walk away and go to the laboratory.
"I like you"

I stopped and turned my head around "excuse me?"

"I like you, you remind me of myself when I was younger"

"I don't think we're anything alike"

"You'd be surprised" He affirmed, his chin up high. "I'm quite agile with a knife myself." He let out these words with a smirk on his face. "This look in your eyes. You're hungry for power." He stopped as I moved closer to the glass cage. "I saw the effect the sceptre had on you. I could give you power, you're the only Midgardian I met slightly worthy enough for it."

"Are you sweet talking to me, Loki?" I asked. "What did you see in me that might make you think that this kind of level one manipulation trick would work on me? I know what you are" At every sentence, I took a step closer and my tone became more aggressive. "-what you do, what you want"

"Is that so?" Loki didn't look disturbed at all, he even seemed amused. "Tell me then" He walked closer to me. A weird tension built up in the room.

"You're a snake with daddy issues, looking for acceptance from daddy Odin. You only want to rule the Earth to prove to your father that you are as good as the GREAT Thor" My hands were shaking. We were so close now, I could imagine his breath on my face.

"And tell me Agent Stark, how is this different from your narrative?" He shrugged and turned his back. "A spoiled little girl, overlooked by her own father until her abilities mad you interesting enough for him. You constantly live in the shadows of the great Howard and Anthony Stark. Guess I'm not the only one with daddy issues? You absolutely want to dominate and control everything." I stayed silent and turn my back at Loki.

Stella Stark // ORIGINS [REWRITTING]Where stories live. Discover now