3.6 A.I.M.

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Dad stayed silent. I was looking at the file. There were a bunch of pictures and MIA written in capital letters at the top. I looked at it from behind.

"What is AIM?" I asked dad. He looked at me.

"AIM?" I nodded. "Aldrich Killian, came to me in 1999. He wanted to talk about his project: A.I.M."

"Doesn't it have a link with Iron Patriot?" Dad immediatly took his phone and called Rhodey. The phone rang and Rhodey hung up.

"Last time I went missing, you looked for me. Where are you?"

"Tony..." Rhodey laughed. "What are you doing?"

"Your redesign, that was AIM right?"

"Yeah..." Rhodey answered puzzled.

"I'm going to need your login, Rhodey" I said.

"Hey Stella, it's the same as it's always been: WarMachine68"

"And the password?"

"Oh come on, I have to change it everytime you or your father hack in..." He paused and whispered. "WAR MACHINE ROX, all caps" dad and I laughed. "Yeah, yeah okay"

"That's even better than Iron Patriot" dad laughed.

There was a Miss contest in a small town, a dozen of trucks were parked everywhere around the town hall. We needed to have a computer strong enough for me to decryte AIM's system. One of the vans was open, dad and I got in. I sat on a chair and logged Rhodey's ID. I had a short glimpse of the system before it immediately shot down.

"I don't have enough juice..." as I said that to dad a man entered the van.

"I don't know who you are people but you need to..." dad turned around and looked at the man. The man's mouth wide opened and looked at that like a kid would look at a huge lollipop. "Tony Stark is in my van!" I spinned the chair I was seated on and looked at him.

"Would you shut up!" I ordered.

"Stella Stark is in my van too!" The man started jumping around.

"Hey hey, buddy, come in." Dad said. The man entered the van and closed the door behind him.

"I knew you weren't dead!" He exclaimed to dad. "I... I'm your biggest fan. Don't want to freak you out but..." he rolled up his right sleeve and showed a tattoo of dad's face on his forearm. "And also, my girlfriend is pregnant and we planned to called the baby Stella" he said to me with a big smile.

"Okay, okay, calm down, it's alright I get a lot of this. What's your name?"


"Gary, okay we need your help" Dad continued. "Tony needs Garry, Garry needs Tony, okay?" The man nodded and listened to me.

"I need more juice. Can you recalibrate the ISDNs?" Gary nodded and continued listening to my instructions. "Great, pump it up by almost 40%" Gary went out of the van and climbs on th eroof. We waited few minutes until he knocked on the outside of the van, telling us it was done. I re entered Rhodey's ID and this time i got in AIM's system. I went into the private files. There were four people, all injured. The first one didn't look very old. He was a young man with blond hair. The second was the ginger woman from earlier. There was a video, I clicked on it.

"My name is Ellen Brant" Unlike ealier she had her right arm missing from under her shoulder. The face of Killian appeared on the screen. Dad sighted as he saw Aldrich. "Once misfits..." Killian started. "You are now the next step in the human evolution." 

I looked arround the programme and found the file on Project Extremis. the first part was intitled: Injections Part 01. "Today is your glory. Let's begin!" Killian said. Ellen and three other people were placed, in chairs. They were all surrounded by at least two doctors who injected them a serum. As soon as the serum flowed in there blood stream, their faces started glowing orange from the inside out, again. Ellen's missing arm reformed when th eman next to her yelled and screamed in pain. He was more glowing than the others. Killian ordered everyone to evacuate. The man glowed brighter and brighter until he exploded. 

"Here you go, a bomb that doesn't leave any traces." I said.

"It's not a bomb, it's a misfire." Dad corrected.


Dad and I were back in the car, driving back to Tennessee. Harley and Jarvis were on the phone. 

"Okay Harley, give me Jarvis" Dad demanded.

"I seem to do quiet well, sir. And sir you were right, once I factored into available AIM downlink facilities, I was able to pinpoint the Mandarin's position." Jarvis said.

"Where is it?" I asked "Iran, Afghanistan?"

"No, it's in Miami, Flodia" 

"Harley, where is it really?" Dad asked.

"Jarvis is right, the computer says miami, Florida."

"Okay, frst things first, I need the armor. Where are we with it?"

"Um... It's not charging..." Harley said. As dad heard that he stopped the car, making the tire scratch on the road. 

"What do you mean it's not charging?" Dad asked panicked.

"Actually sir, it is charging, but the power source is questionable..." Jarvis said.

"It's my suit and I can't... I don't... Oh god not again" Dad violently opened his door and went out of the car. I ran to him. He was leaning on the car. He couldn't breath. Harley was saying random things about New York that only aggravated Dad's situation.

"Harley stop!" I ordered and the kid immediately stopped talking. I layed my head on dad's chest and strated singing as I held both of his hands in mine.

Lullaby of birdland, that's what I 
Always hear when you sigh
Never in my wordland
Could there be ways to revealIn a phrase how I feel

 "Remember you would sing me that song?" Dad's respiration calmed down. "You don't need the suit. You're Tony fucking Stark!"

sorry I haven't updated in ages!!!!!! We're up to more than 1k reads that's totally insaine. I'll upload the next chapter tomorrow pinky promise ;)

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