4.6 Falcon

217 9 1

Steve P.O.V.

The first rays of day light appeared when we arrived at Sam's. Stella and I looked terrible. Our hair when dusty and messy and we still had ashes on our cheeks. However, Stella was still beautiful. Her green eyes sparkled with the early light of dawn and her cheeks remained peachy. She noticed me observing her and I looked away.

"So who exactly is this guy?" Her voice broke as she asked.

"A veteran... We jogged together once..."

"You jogged with him once? And what you think he will just accept to cover us like that?" She joked.

"You have a better plan?" I looked at her and smirked. We arrived in front of his doorstep and knocked on the door.

Sam opened the door, surprised to see me.

"Hey, man..." He said.

"I'm sorry to ask you this, but we need a place to lay low..." I explained.

"Basically, everyone we know is trying killing us" Stella added. Sam let us in and looked around before closing the door behind us.

"The bathroom is right there, take your time we'll talk about everything after." Sam smiled.

When I got out of the shower, Stella was wrapped in her towel, staring at herself in the mirror. Her clipped ebony hair were still wet and small water droplets were running down her forehead and shoulders. She gently brushed her bruises on her face with her fingers. She looked troubled. She had scares everywhere on her body but it seemed like the broadest ones were inside. I remember the first time I met her, two years ago. She was joyful, full of life and always smiley. I wonder what could have happened to break her like that.

"Hey, you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah..." She paused and looked at her hands. "Dad constantly told me my grand parent died in a car accident..." She continued. "Of course, I knew it was not just a simple accident, but..." Her voice broke. "I never thought someone would have actually murdered them..." I walked up to her and sat on the bed beside her. "For the last three years, I've been working with the people who destroyed my family," I thought she was going to cry but instead her eyes stayed dry and empty.

"Hey, no one knew, it's not your fault" I put my index under her chin."You know, what Zola said, it kinda means I died for nothing." She giggled and looked at me in the eyes.

"You saved my life. I owe you." She said.

"You don't owe me anything..." We stayed like this for a while, silent, staring at each other. I couldn't help thinking about the way she kissed me yesterday... My gaze went down to her rosy lips. I wanted to kiss her again, just to taste her lips one more time. As I was thinking about it, she approached her face and crashed her lips on mine. I seized her hand and kissed her back. My eyes were closed, but I could feel her smiling. Her hand traveled up to my hair. We barely broke the kiss to regain our breath. I placed my hand on her unclothed thigh and continued to kiss her.

"Um, um..." We heard in the back. "Hate to break a really tender, passionate moment but I made some breakfast... If you guys also eat that sort of thing..." Sam said before returning downstairs. I looked back at Stella, and she laughed, her cheeks blushing with embarrassment.

"So the question is; who at S.H.I.E.L.D. can launch a domestic missile strike?" Stella asked.

"Pierce..." I answered.

"And lucky him, he sits on top of the most secure building in the country." She added.

"But he can't work alone?" Sam said.

"Exactly, Nat found Zola's algorithm was on the Lemurian Star." Stella responded.

"Jaspar Sitwell was also on that ship..."

"So the real question is; how do two of the most wanted people in Washington kidnap S.H.I.E.L.D. officer in broad daylight?" Stella finished.

Sam went to the kitchen counter and took a folder.

"The answer is; they don't."

"Jasper belongs to HYDRA too." Stella said. "We need to interrogate him to see clearer." she continued.

"How are we going doing this?" I asked Sam handed me the folder.

"Like this" There was picture of some kind of black and red bird suit.

"I thought you said you were a pilot?" I asked.

"I never said pilot" Sam smirked.

"I can't ask you to do this, Sam" I said.

"Dude, Captain America and Necroblade need my help. There's no better reason to get back in."

We suited up with the bit of clothes we had. Sam and I were in the kitchen, waiting for Stella.

"So how long have you two been together." Sam asked with a smirk on his face.

"Oh.. we're not together... We just... um..." I felt embarrassed...

"Don't worry, man I get it. You just kissed. I get it she seems pretty cool."

"She is..."

"But what's up with her scare on her face? Who-"

"His name was Ivan Vanko." Stella came down the stairs. She was wearing one of Sam's hoodie and a pair of black leggings, her hair covering her face. "Trust me the scare looked worse three years ago." She pushed her hair from her face and revealed the scare that was going across her face, from the eyebrow to the middle of the right cheek. "It's okay, it makes me look even more bad ass" she laughed. "Hey, Sam can I borrow your laptop for a minute?"

"Sure, here." Stella took the computer on her lap and hacked into something. "What are you doing, exactly?"

"I'm getting into Sitwell's phone. Just so if we call him he will think it's someone else." She winked.

We waited for Sitwell. Stella and I stayed in a car while Sam called Sitwell. After few minutes Jaspar got in the car.

"Agent Sitwell, what a pleasure to see you" Stella said as she dusted his suit. "We should have a little chit chat, hum?"

I started the engine and drove away.

When we were far away from S.H.I.EL.D.'s headquarter, I took Sitwell by the collar and dragged him on top of the building.

"Tell me about Zola's algorithm!" I shouted.

"I don't know what you're talking about?"

"What were you doing on the Lemurian Star?" I continued.

"I was throwing up, I get seasick." Stella stayed behind me, silent. Sitwell was at the edge of the building. I grabbed his collar and held him. Sitwell looked at me amused. "Are you really going to throw me off the roof? Not your style, Rogers"

"You're right, it's not... It's hers" I advised. As I said that Stella kicked Sitwell in the stomach and pushed him off the roof.

"I don't like him" She declared.

Sitwell reappeared in Sam's arms. Sam had metal wings in his back. He threw Sitwell on our feet.

"Zola's algorithm..." Sitwell breath heavily. " It's a program for choosing insight's target."

"What targets?"

"You!" he pointed me. "You!" He pointed Stella. "Stephen Strange! Thea Quinn! Any potential threat to HYDRA... Now or in the future" He stood up and opposed me. "Zola taught HYDRA how to read the digital book that is the twenty-first century. The algorithm analyses people's past to predict their future."

"And what then?" I shouted.

"Oh God, Pierce is going to kill me..."

"What then?" I insisted.

"The Insight helicarriers scratch people off the list... A few millions out a time."

Stella Stark // ORIGINS [REWRITTING]Where stories live. Discover now