So to pass the time, I snuck into the girls' restroom.

Unfortunately, it was crowded with the school's obnoxious queen bee and her copycat fans. Willow Brynes, the principal's granddaughter and also the number one hater of mine. She's had it out for me ever since I dated her brother AKA my garbage ex.

Her cold blue eyes met mine and she scowled. "Oh, you're here..."

I flashed her a smile. "Aww... Willow! You missed me that much?"

She rolled her eyes, facing the mirror. One minion patted blush on her pale cheeks and another brushed her wavy black hair. The other two still glared at me. "Find another bathroom to skip class in, Falls. As you can tell, I'm busy."

I raised my eyebrow. "Busy? What could be so important for the principal's granddaughter?"

"None of your-"

One of her minions squealed, cutting her off. "A famous guy is coming to our school!" Willow shot her a glare but, that didn't stop the rest of the girls from giggling with glee.

"I bet he's going to be so fine!"

"I heard he's a model AND was an actor!"

"Ahh! I wonder who it'll be!"

Willow let out an exasperated sigh, seizing all the excitement. All their heads hung low to their flats.

I blinked. "Famous guy?"

"It was supposed to be a secret..." Willow placed her perfectly manicured fingers over the bridge of her nose. "Look, Falls. Don't utter a word about this to anyone."

I rolled my eyes. "Trust me, I don't care all that much. Just don't say a word about me skipping class to your grandfather and we're good."

The sound of keys jingling and heels echoing through the halls made us all freeze. We all shared a knowing look before sprinting into the stalls. Unfortunately, I ended up with Willow as we stood on top of the toilet seat.

"This is all your fault," She accused with a hushed whisper.

I scrunched up my nose. "Excuse me? How is this my fault?"

A dreading voice filled the restroom.

"Elena!" Ms. Greg called. "I know you're in here!"

Willow blinked at me and I shrugged. Okay, maybe she was right. Ms. Greg never failed at catching me cut class. I never know how the woman does it. I pick a new spot every day. She must have a tracker on me or something.

A brief moment of silence past through the air. It was deafening. My heart drummed in my chest and the way Willow's eyes were trained on the door told me she was scared of being caught too. I'm sure her grandfather wouldn't let her hear the end of it.

If there was anything worse than going to Calculus, it was sitting in Mr. James' office. I was forced to do my makeup work for my classes. He would then go on and on rambling about how I should be like my parents and brother. I've heard it all and I'd prefer not to hear it again.

Thankfully, the heels faded away. I jumped down from the toilet as Willow's legs wobbled from the heels she wore. I don't even know how she got away with that since it violated guidelines. But if it was me, the tables would be turned.

Stupid ass school.

"Thank God, that's over with!" I opened the door to the stall. My heart leaped in my throat as Ms.Greg stood there with her arms crossed.

Shit. I must've mistaken those heels for another teacher's shoes in the hall!

"M-Ms. Greg!" I smiled, giving her a small nudge. "Fancy seeing you here! New lace front? Gotta say 24-inch black Brazilian looks good on you!"

The Dare (The Badboy's Claim Series #2)Where stories live. Discover now