Chapter Eighteen- A Perilous Promise

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Johanna opened her eyes. Nighttime surrounded her. She squinted up at the hill. Isabel, Camila, and Galen were gone.

She laughed as she pulled the ninja star from the back of her head. Reinforcing her body's defenses to weapons had definitely worked. It left almost no injury on her and left her with a new weapon.

Walking up the hill slowly, she glared down at the lifeless bodies of Lucas and Simon.

"I should have known you guys were weak," she hissed. "Now, I'm on my own. But it's fine." She turned her back on them and stalked down the hill again. "I have my own plans for her."

But how had the original gone so wrong? Somehow, Galen had managed to contact her friends and tell them where she was and where they had been taking her. How though?

Wait... I know how.


Lucas had had the job of taking away every communication resource she had with her friends. Only... she must have still had her phone. There had been pockets in her shorts, which Lucas clearly didn't realize when he had torn them off of her the first time he raped her. It must have still been in there.

Johanna let out a mournful sigh. She missed it already. She missed having the dancer completely at her control, her screams of pain echoing in her ears as she tortured her mercilessly. The frequent sessions with her too... Those were just the best. Though Galen always struggled, she could never escape, and eventually let it happen. Johanna could tell she was distancing her mind from it every time she touched her, but she didn't care. She loved it every time she was able to kiss her, whether Galen liked it or not. She loved knowing how much she was breaking her each time, whether it was mentally or physically.

As Johanna paced along the dock, she removed her long cloak from her body, revealing the simple black dress that went down to her knees that she had changed into before the fight. She tossed the dark cloak into the water, watching it float under the water and shimmer in the moonlight.

I am Johanna Matthews. I am a force to be reckoned with.

She lifted her head, a glare of determination in her eyes.

And I will be the one to kill Galen Hooks.

Taking a deep breath, she walked over to the boat that was originally going to be used to transport Galen to the island. It would be abandoned soon, but there was one more thing she needed to get from it. The small, dreary-looking houseboat was pitch-dark when she went in, but she knew exactly where the light was. When the lightbulb flickered on above her head she went around to the back and climbed the ladder to the top.

Moonlight streamed down upon the deck, exactly highlighting what she was looking for... the silver vault. Oh, it was nothing super special. But it was, or at least to her it was. She took out the ninja star that had struck her before, ignoring the wound in the back of her head that had been made by it, which had stopped bleeding anyway. It was the perfect key, since the other one had been in her cloak. She'd thrown it in the water because now she had a better key, a better weapon. Inserting one of the points in the star in the lock, she twisted it to the side and yanked open the door. Inside lay only two items. One of them was a weird-looking device, a bit like a remote control. Before reaching out for it, she quietly pulled her sleeves down to her shoulders and exposed the skin on her chest right between her breasts. After taking the device out, she pressed a button on it and immediately, a bright red glow shot out from her chest, flashing in the night. Then she looked at the other item in the vault, which was definitely bigger than the first and looked like a screen. Johanna pressed another button on the remote control and a full picture of Galen appeared on the screen. She was peacefully sleeping in a bed in the hospital.

"If I can't kill you right now, I'll make your friends kill you. I'll make them see how dangerous it is to let you live when I reveal to them what this makes you." Johanna peered at her curiously, then pulled back, shutting off the screen again. But she kept the remote with her. It would help immensely and it only allowed her to see where Galen was, but didn't do anything else to the screen.

With catlike agility, she leaped down from the top of the boat, landing lightly on her feet. Then she started walking. Her destination took a while to get to, but Johanna Matthews didn't need a single wink of sleep to function. At last, as the sun was breaking over the horizon, she made it to the end of the wide expanse of city and after doing some more walking, arrived at the place. But she didn't go in. She just stood there, staring up at it.

I'll be back here soon enough.

She turned away from it for a moment and pulled the remote control out of her pocket again.

But for now... I am coming for you, Galen.

Johanna narrowed her eyes.

So watch your back. Be ready to be a dead bitch when I see you next.

Her gaze adopted a great amount of determination.

Because it will all destroy you.

This concludes the end of the second book of the Hunted trilogy! Hope everyone enjoyed it. Get ready for the last book, because I will be releasing the first chapter of it later in the day. Peace out! ~Hazel

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