Chapter Nine- Believe

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Why haven't we met each other before?

Camila and Isabel had told Rhea about their plans, but they hadn't brought her on board for the actual travels. They had left without telling her when they would and had been traveling for almost four days. Eventually, they made it to the edge of the darkest and most treacherous forest in Los Angeles. They had bonded well over the long journey, finding out that they had very much in common.

"Can we take a break here?" Camila asked. "I want to spend a night here with you before we go in there. Despite what this quest is for, I've really enjoyed spending time with you."

Me too, Isabel thought silently. You're an amazing person and you've really began to show me who you are.

Isabel drew back as another thought game bubbling up inside her head. Am... am I falling in love with this girl? Seriously? I've only known her for four days!

But she couldn't deny the feelings inside her. I can't tell her yet though. We're pressuring ourselves so much trying to find Galen and who knows what could be happening to her out there!

"Hey, are you okay?" Camila questioned out of nowhere, bringing Isabel back from her thoughts.


"I'm really worried about her right now. Are you sure the tracking app wasn't working?"

"I'm sure. Even if the phone hadn't been on her, we would have seen where it was. If she's in this forest... we need to find her."

"But won't they be guarding her or something?"

"Not when they know I have the ninja stars. It's the only weapon I have that they don't."

"Can you try throwing them later without chopping either of our heads off?"

"If it's at an enemy, I'll always know where it's going."

After that, the two were silent for a long moment, until Camila spoke again. "Should we make camp in the trees?"

"Sure. But don't go too far in. It's getting dark and I don't want to get lost."

"It's okay; I won't. You think we have enough food for tonight?"

Isabel nodded. "Definitely. But we can hunt if necessary."

"You hunt?"

"My dad taught me. He lived in a bad place when he was young, where hunting was the only way he survived."

"Tell me more about that after we set up our tent. I'm getting kind of tired."

"Then let's set it up."

Camila was murmuring quietly to herself as the two of them walked a little while into the forest and took out their tent. She also reached for the flashlights, but Isabel stopped her. "Those are too bright; we'll be spotted from miles away. If we're right and those people brought Galen here, they'd see us coming and run with her. Either that or they'll be ready for it and kill us right away."

She could barely see the uncertain look in Camila's eyes, but it was there, so she quickly added, "Don't worry, we can use our phone lights if we dim them a bit." The other girl relaxed considerably.

"You look kind of young," she remarked as she turned her own light on. "I hope you don't mind me asking how old you are."

"I'm almost 22. I'm like Galen in a way where I got adult responsibilities granted to me at a young age. For me, it was 16. I've been dancing for about eighteen years now because I started when I was four."

"Impressive. I'm 24, but my birthday was a few weeks ago."

"Well, happy late birthday!"


After setting up the tent and their sleeping bags, they both crawled inside and sat in silence for a few moments after eating some of their food.

"Camila, aren't you worried that staying away for too long could get Galen killed?" Isabel inquired.

"Absolutely. But I'm praying that she'll be able to hang on until tomorrow."

"I'm actually trying to think like those people who captured her now and I realized what could be happening."

"Is it bad?"

"Yeah. Right now, they seem to be trying to make her suffer as much as they can before they kill her. They'll definitely be depriving her of food, but use water to keep her alert longer."

"Can you explain that last sentence in a more comprehensible way?" Camila tilted her head to the side.

"Water is the only resource that's keeping her alive. Without it, they know she'd die too quickly."

"Izzy, you're scaring me right now." She froze. "And I hope you don't mind me calling you Izzy."

"I'm fine with it. Everyone does. But I'm sorry for talking about this. But I'm really just hoping it'll help me get used to reality."

"What do you mean?"

"I've learned lately that even once your dreams come true, the world doesn't stop being a scary place. Galen made it big and that didn't stop those people from taking her and attempting to kill her multiple times."

"I know."

"You're right though. There comes a time where you just want to forget about the crazy things happening in your life and cuddle up with one of your best friends."

Camila smiled. "There is a time like that. And that's now." She moved closer to Isabel, who put an arm around her as they shut off the phone lights.

"You're such a sweetheart."

"Aw, thanks. Not many people say that to me."

"Why not? You're one of the nicest people I've ever met."

"I used to be like your friend Brianna. I didn't have anything wrong with my mind, but when I was rising as a dancer, I sometimes lost control of my emotions. That's... when I met Galen. I was eighteen and was visiting the dance studio for one of her intensives. Since we were both early, I decided to warm up with my own choreographed dance to a song called 'Waiting For You' by Demi Lovato."

"And she liked it?"

"I didn't even know she was watching me."

"That's what happened when I danced to 'River' on my first day there."

"Well, Galen offered to help me with my technique until it was really time for people to come. It's because of her that I am a better dancer today."

"It's because of her that I was inspired to be a dancer in the first place."

"She's been an inspiration to both of us." Camila smiled through the darkness. "Want to go outside?"

"You know we won't be able to see the stars, right?"

"Actually, I chose a spot here where we'll be able to see them right above us; the only patch of bare sky in the forest. Just don't lay on any roots."

Camila moved her sleeping back outside and motioned for Isabel to get in it with her. The two of them lay cozied up inside it there, staring up at the bright stars contrasted against the pitch-black sky, until Camila finally fell asleep. Isabel looked down at her and quietly kissed the top of her forehead, getting ready to go to sleep herself.

"Sleep well, Cammy," she whispered. "And let's both believe that we will find Galen in the morning."

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