Chapter Eight- Vengeance

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(This chapter stars Johanna again. Every chapter that does will contain cursing cuz Johanna Matthews is just a completely malicious bitch.)

I have to breathe.

I need to... or this is going to kill me.

Closing her eyes, Galen lay shivering on the wet ground of the forest floor. She slowly lifted an arm and settled it on her thigh, wincing when she felt the bloodstain that had seeped through her shorts when she'd put them back on. Now she couldn't move.

That was too painful for me... She shuddered as she tried to suppress the memories of what had just happened.

"How was your first session, bitch?" a voice called above her. Johanna. The rest of the group had disappeared, including Lucas.

"I'm not in the mood," she snapped, opening her eyes to glare up at her.

"I know. That makes this the perfect time to ask."

"Well, you just let your stupid friend nearly rape me to death, so I'll say I'm doing just peachy."

"That's perfect." Johanna smiled slyly. "I hope you really enjoyed it."

"Oh my god, I'm bleeding now because of that. Why have you been treating me like this?"

"You think I care? Lucas deserved his reward for being such a good friend to me and he got it. I let him have his way with you and he enjoyed every second of it."

Galen was so angry that she couldn't even flash back a retort. They knew exactly how to get to her. Johanna knelt down next to her and ran her hand along the dancer's arm before pushing it away and resting it against her thigh.

"So he did make you bleed." She cackled. "No matter, your body will get used to him soon enough."

"Never!" she spat in return.

"You can't change the inevitable and you know it." Galen trembled. She knew this woman was in control of her at the moment. "And you have way more coming."

Johanna took something from her belt and Galen felt a sharp sting in her stomach as she ran it over her. The whip! Oh no, not again...

"Stop!" she moaned, striking out with one hand. Her nails scored across Johanna's face and the dark-haired woman leaped back with a snarl, a tiny trickle of blood seeping out of her pale cheek. Instinctively, she slammed the whip down on Galen as hard as she could and felt a flash of satisfaction as she heard her cry out.

"If you think I was going to go easy on you before, this has changed everything. You have no idea what resources we have." She put the whip away and took out something else that looked a bit like a razor, but was connected to a small black box in her belt by a thick wire.

"What is that?"

"Oh, you'll find out soon. Very soon." Johanna lifted Galen's shirt a bit more and placed the weapon down on her stomach. Galen flinched, but was too weak to move away.

"Oh, there's no use in struggling. In fact, it might just get worse if you do."

"I can't go anywhere anyway because oh, wait, I was just freaking raped!" Tears were streaming down Galen's face and she couldn't make them stop.

"Then here's the perfect thing to go with it." Johanna pressed a button on the box and Galen braced herself. At first, nothing happened.

Then the first wave hit. An overwhelming amount of electricity shot through Galen, shocking her whole body. The lower half of her was now more inflamed than ever and the extreme pressure made her scream in absolute agony and desperation.

"Johanna, STOP!" With a sudden burst of unexpected strength, she surged upward, knocking Johanna off of her. But she underestimated her speed as well and as soon as she tried to get up, the woman quickly crushed her to the ground again, striking her fists down on the back of her neck, still holding on to the weapon.

"You little slut, you stay right where you are!"

"Well, I don't deserve this at all!"

"Oh, you deserve it in my eyes. And don't try to buy me with any of that 'this isn't the right thing to do' or 'you'll feel better if you become a better person' stuff. I know you're going to try, but you'd be wasting your time with that shit."

"Why don't you at least-?"

"SHUT UP!" Johanna flipped her over onto her back, then moved and grasped Galen's chin like she had before, only this time, her nails were leaving cuts on her face. "You know you're a worthless bitch, so why don't you just say it?"

"I never will. Isabel, Rhea, Skyla, and Camila are my friends and as long as they care about me, I'll never say it at all!"

"Who's this Camila that you speak of?"

"Besides Isabel, Skyla, and Rhea, she's one of my best friends. Knowing her, she'll team up with them to find me and they'll never stop looking!"

"Say you're a worthless bitch. You know it and I know it. Tell me you know it!"

"I won't. Because I don't! I know there will always be people who care about me in the world. Those people you call 'friends,' they don't seem like anything more than just allies. In fact, it might not even be that. They don't care about you, they just care about what you can do to their victims."

"BE QUIET!" Johanna roared. She let go of the electric weapon, curled one hand into a fist again, and struck Galen in the head, but it didn't stop her. 

"In fact, you don't deserve to be cared about, if all you do is torture people and send your friends to rape them!"

"Oh, so you're upset that I sent my friends to attack you?" Johanna took off the belt of weapons and clambered off her for a moment, grinning. "Well, then, maybe I have to have my turn with you now."

"What?" Galen gasped in horror. "I- I didn't mean..." She crossed her legs and wrapped her arms around them. "Look... I'm sorry..."

"Too late, Hooks," Johanna growled, leaning over to her and sending her hands to the ground, pinning them there for a moment. "You did this to yourself." She lunged at her, smashing into her with extreme force. Galen groaned as the other woman forced her legs apart and rammed both hands against her chest.

I will make you scream like you never have before, Johanna promised her silently. And I will make you believe that you really are just someone who will never deserve what she has.

Not like I do.

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