Chapter Four- Mission of Protection

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"So what's this Brianna like?" Rhea asked curiously when Isabel got back to the house.

"Well, she loves to travel. Sometimes, she can get a bit irritable, but that's only if you ignore her when she's trying to talk to you."

"Isn't everyone kind of like that though?" Galen tipped her head to the side in confusion.

"Not like her. She won't do it in public, but she'll have a 'Cassie with no sleep' rage if she loses control."

"You mean..."

"I don't know why, but there's something wrong with her mind. She carries medicine that puts her to sleep in case she does lose control. When that happens... she'll do things like what Cassie nearly did to you. So don't upset her."

"I'll try not to."

"Trying may not be enough," Isabel warned. "Not annoying her... that could be the difference between your life and death."

"So remind me again why you're visiting her?"

"Don't worry; it won't be the first comment, it's more like the third or fourth that sets her off. Besides, she's my friend. Just think of her as a super sensitive person."

"I'll try."

"So, you guys ready to go?"

"How far away is it?"

"Not far."

"You sure?"

"Galen, don't let this make you paranoid. With any luck, they'll move on to somewhere else." The other dancer opened her mouth to speak again, but Isabel stopped her. "I don't like how this world has become either. But focus on that and you're only more likely to get yourself killed."

"Fine." Galen set her shoulders back and tossed her hair behind her. Isabel could see the small wince that came when it used her injured shoulder, but she didn't let on to it and fortunately, neither did Rhea. "Let's do this."

The trip ran smoothly at first. Galen walked confidently between her two friends, her head held high and a serious look on her face. But Isabel couldn't shake the sight of the fearful flash in her eyes every time she looked at her. She understood it though. The dancer wanted to be confident so that if anyone wanted to attack her, they would think she wasn't weak. But Isabel knew better. She was already injured and if it came to a fight, Galen could really break her shoulder if she tried to use it.

However, they still needed to get breakfast.

"I'm just going to go for a Starbucks," Rhea sighed. "I don't have any other ideas."

"Is that far?" Isabel questioned.

"It's within walking distance."

"Why'd you make us walk anyway?"

"Because I haven't been in the studio for a while and I need a workout."

"So you're jeopardizing Galen's safety for that?"

"Oh..." Rhea stole a apologetic glance at Galen, who acted like she hadn't seen it. "Then we should probably go back and get my car."

"That'd be a good idea."

"Tell you what, you two stay here and I'll run back and get it."

"Okay, fine."

"You don't think she could be working with them, do you?" Galen whispered to her as Rhea dashed out of sight.

Isabel rolled her eyes, reaching forward and bringing Galen's face close to hers. "Snap out of it already!" she snapped. "I've known Rhea for almost ten years and she'd never do anything like that, especially when she's just begun to know you!" Galen tried to get away from her, but Isabel quickly let go and grabbed her by the shoulders. "Don't let this make you paranoid! Remember what I literally just told you? That's only more likely to get you killed." She pushed her away.

Galen glared back at her, gently rubbing her injured shoulder. "I'll try not to, but you don't have to hurt me!"

"I'm sorry about that, but this definitely isn't like you. Don't let this turn you into something you're not."

Startled by the fierceness in her voice, Galen was silent.

"I- I'm so sorry..." Isabel murmured, stepping back. "I'm just... worried about you. You're an amazing person when you're just being yourself. This whole ordeal is turning you into someone who's anxious about everything. But I can't help it. I was born overprotective like this. But being like that kept my sister safe from people who wanted to hurt her and I will be the same here."

"It's okay... I get why you're like this."

"You don't, though. Listen... Skyla and I had a cousin who died from a school shooting in New York when we traveled there at a young age. When I saw that happen, my overprotective side took over and... I really just couldn't help myself."

"Hey." Galen put one hand on Isabel's shoulder. "I told you, it's okay. Don't blame yourself. This isn't any of your fault."

"Well, it's better than you doing the same," Isabel retorted. "I'll do what I like as long as it keeps you from getting hurt or changing into something you're not."

"I- I-" Galen turned away from her for a moment and Isabel heard her sniff. Is she crying?


She fell to her knees.

"Galen!" Isabel gasped.

Crouching on the ground, Galen coughed a few times, clutching at her chest.

"Galen, are you okay?" She froze as Isabel knelt down next to her and after a moment, she looked up again. "I'm fine..."

"What just happened to you?"

"I don't know. That just felt like... like fire burning through me..."

"Do you still want to come with us?"

"Of course."

"Then get up before Rhea comes back. She's going to send you home no matter what."

Grasping onto Isabel's arm, she pulled herself up, gritting her teeth as she balanced on her feet again. After a little while, a dark silver car pulled up next to them, with Rhea waving at them from the driver's seat. "Get in, guys."

Casting a warning glance at her friend, Isabel opened the door and climbed into the passengers' seat, while Galen got in the back.

"You guys do okay while I was gone?" Rhea asked as she began driving.

Isabel nodded and the three of them were silent for the remainder of the trip. At last, they arrived at Starbucks, then drove over to a tall building, which was the hotel.

"Brianna's on the second floor," Isabel explained to them. "We can visit her there."

So that was where they went. As soon as they went down the hall to the designated room, which was at the far end, next to a non-hotel room, someone opened the door before they could. She was an African-American girl with long black hair and a smile on her face.

 She was an African-American girl with long black hair and a smile on her face

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"I've been expecting you, Isabel. You too, Rhea." She looked at the last member of their group. "That means you must be Galen. It's very nice to meet you. My name is Brianna Harris."

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