Epilogue: Tomorrow

Start from the beginning

I don’t know if it’s going to work, but we’ve decided to try, Taehyung had informed Yoongi.

Seokjin has cracked yet another one of his awful dad jokes which has only Jimin writhing with laughter, his eyes crinkling with delight. When the counsellor hugs him and tells him that his brother would be proud, the dancer smiles, embracing Seokjin tighter.

Yes, it is a bittersweet feeling.

“Penny for your thoughts?”

And Miran.

She smiles at him softly, the way she always does, and Yoongi’s world is bursting with the colours she has painted it with. Hooking his arm through her elbow, he grins. I’m so glad we found each other.

“We’ve actually made it to this day. I still can’t believe it,” he says, a thoughtful gleam in his eyes. “I guess I just never thought what it would feel like without…”

“Without Professor Park?” Miran completes for him, a knowing look on her face. She steers him away from the crowd, their hands intertwined as they weave in between the throng of people. “I know what you mean. I’d always imagined him trying to click bad pictures of us in our robes and caps.”

For a minute, the couple envision Hyung Sik as the man they had all loved and respected, the man who had helped them through four amazing but excruciating years of a major which was certainly not a walk in the park. And just for a minute, it is easy for them to forget what that man had turned into.

Yoongi has forgiven him.

He doesn’t know about the others, doesn’t know about Miran, but he has forgiven him. Although Hyung Sik came very close to taking away the one thing which fills the gaping hole in his chest, Yoongi cannot find it in him to hate the man.

Hyung Sik probably wanted to fill the gaping hole in his own chest, too.

“I miss him,” Yoongi says after a while, still strolling with Miran. She doesn’t ask him whether he means Hyung Sik or Joonhyung; she doesn’t need to. The crowd thins out when they reach the auditorium, and the couple stand before the memorial site which has been erected outside the sprawling structure for all the dead students, including Lee Joonhyung.

His picture is pinned to the board in the very centre, a wide smile on his face. Yoongi traces Joonhyung’s features, a fondness creeping into his chest, while Miran’s eyes rove over the other faces; Choi Ara, Hyun Soyoung, Hong Chanbaek, Kang Minhyuk, Go Jieun. I'm so sorry.

Yoongi sighs. “No matter what you say, Miran, I will always harbour the regret that I was responsible for what happened, that had I tried harder, I might’ve saved him.”

“I know.” She turns to him, her lips pulling into a small smile, even though that is a regret she will always carry with her, too. “That’s why I’ll do the forgiving for both of us.”

Yoongi laughs softly, looks at her with an affection which makes her heart swell. “Wildcat, what did I do to deserve you?”

“Hmm, let’s see. Maybe you weren’t so lazy and brooding in your past life. Although, that seems highly unlikely.” Miran grins at him, and Yoongi tightens his grip on her hand.

Tugging him along, she guides him back towards the pitch, but instead of returning to their friends, Miran ushers him into the empty bleachers. They sit there in silence for a while, watching the activity unfurling before them. Even from the distance, they can see their friends being their usual dorky selves, and Miran laughs when Hoseok breaks out into an impromptu dance, Seokjin and Namjoon joining him while the rest holler.


She turns to Yoongi, and is surprised by the solemn expression on his face. “Yoongi?”

He inhales deeply, his thumb rubbing circles over the back of her hand. “I know we got together for all the wrong reasons-”

“But we can stay together for all the right ones.”

His breath catches in his throat; the conviction in Miran’s eyes snuffs out any and all doubts. She shuffles closer to him until her face is only inches away from his. Reaching out, she trails her fingers over his face, her eyes closed, as if she is committing his features to memory. And maybe, she is. “I love you, Min Yoongi.”

This time, his reply comes without a hitch.

“I love you, Kim Miran.”

She presses a kiss to his forehead, pulling away to look at him. “I know we’re both broken, Yoongi. But together, we’re complete.”

Two halves of a whole.

“You mean it?” His question is a whisper, a plea.

“Yes.” Her answer is certain, etched in stone.

“Live your today, look forward to your tomorrow.” Miran leans on Yoongi’s shoulder, smiling as he slings his arm around her. “We’ll be alright.”

And, like always, Yoongi believes her.
And it's over!

I'm going to miss writing this story so much. I really hope y'all enjoyed it. And please feel free to leave any reviews, comments and the like! I love knowing what you all think. And do y'all have any favourite moments? Let me know! And would y'all like a post-epilogue chapter to see where our characters are in the future?

Thank you so much for sticking by me and this story throughout. Y'all are such wonderful friends and readers and I'm so very grateful for all of you. It has been an honour and a pleasure to embark on this journey alongside you all. Thank you for always making my days and nights!

All the love,

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