"Don't judge." I poke out my tongue at him before sitting back down. I take the lid off of the container of chocolate ice cream I had gotten from the freezer and dip my spoon in it before beginning my assault on the spoon. Chocolate ice cream was my absolute fav.

"Sooo just so you know the boys think we are having sex." Calum informs me almost making me choke on my spoonful of ice cream.

"What?!" I ask him horrified. "Why?"

"I don't know." Calum shrugs. "I think because they know we sleep in the same bed all the time and because of our little kiss today."

"Oh my god." I groan dropping my spoon in the Ice cream container. "We've only been a 'couple' for like four weeks though."

"Genie I've had sex with girls after only knowing them for a couple of hours." Calum points out.

"Did you tell them that we were?" I ask.

"I didn't confirm nor deny." Calum smirks.

"Calum." I huff covering my hands with my face.

"What was I suppose to tell them?!" Calum asks before chuckling. I'm glad he found this funny.

"I don't know... But the fact that you didn't really say anything is going to make them think that we are even more." I tell him removing my hands from my face.

"No it won't." Calum says in a matter of fact tone which almost makes me smile. "And does it really matter if they think we are?" He asks.

"I think it does."

"Why?" Calum frowns.

"Because we haven't been dating for long, I don't want them to think of me as some sex crazed animal." I explain putting the ice cream on the coffee table. Calum laughs at what I just said before shaking his head. "They don't Genie." Calum assures me.

"But.." I start but Calum cuts me off.

"But nothing. The boys just know that I'm a very sexual person so of course they are going to assume that we are already sleeping together." Calum shrugs casually.

"Well they would be right there." I tease and Calum smirks.

"Please Genie. I know you're just as sexual as I am." I frown at him in confusion. "How so?" I ask.

"I found your little toy a couple of months ago." Calum tells me looking awfully amused.

"Oh my god." I cover my face in embarrassment. "How did you even find that?"

"I don't know, I was looking for something and I opened one of your draws and it was just there." Calum chuckles. This was not funny for me, not one bit.

It was completely mortifying to think that my male roommate had found my v.ibrator but the fact that it had to be Calum who was my roommate. Calum who I had know since the awkward teenage days. I couldn't be more embarrassed and if I'm being honest I didn't even use it that much.

Claudia made me buy one after I broke up with my last boyfriend, she figured that since I refused to have one night stands that I should at least get action some other way.

"Oh my god." I say again. I had no idea what to say to him, this was just too embarrassing.

"How often to you use it?" Calum asks reaching over and removing my hands.

"I'm not answering that." I shake my head.

"Do you do it when I'm here? That would be so hot." Calum bites his lip making my stomach do flip flops.

The Boyfriend Project. C.H. (A.U.) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now