Chapter 15: Dark Place

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My mate has been gone for 3 weeks now, every day I feel the same prick in my arm followed by the familiar burn. My pack has searched the Dark Moon territory but it has been abandoned like Erik said. I have contacted several packs and they are all on the search but there is still no sigh of my mate anywhere and Erik is still refusing to talk. Zane has had to resort to sedating me to keep me from tearing Erik's guts out. The most I can do is wait near the phone for any news. I am beginning to wonder if I will ever find her but the daily pain in my arm is verification enough that she is still alive.

Suddenly there is a howl from the distance and I bolt up. They have found her! I slam the door open and Zayden is standing at the border of the territory.

"Some of my wolves saw some Dark Moon wolves hanging around what's left of the Golden Moon territory, your mate might be somewhere there."

I give him a quick nod. "I'll inform my pack" Turning quickly I begin to head back to my pack but then look back at my brother. "Thank you."

Back at the packhouse, I call my pack. "We have a location. Dark Moon wolves have been spotted in the Golden Moon territory." I say as I spread out a map onto the desk. " We leave tonight under the cover of darkness. I would like Zane and some wolves to take up position at the south and the rest with me to the north, then on the signal we charge in. I want NO survivors."

"Yes Alpha." Zane nods.

"After their last attack they lost many of their own, and they will be fighting without their Alpha. When we get there the Luna is mine, I want to kill her for all the pain she has caused my mate." I growl the last part and the other wolves in the room all bow their heads in submission.

That night the crescent moon rose high in the sky as my pack readies themselves for the battle. We sneak up to the Golden Moon pack's border, slinking through the shadows. Looking around there are more wolves then expected, my lips curl up in anger. I have to wait till Zane and the others are in position, till then I have to ignore my thirst for blood.

Suddenly, one of the Dark Moon wolves let out a howl, we've been spotted. We rush forward having lost the element of surprise. Savage growls erupt over the grounds as wolves from both sides went in for the kill.

I am up against a light gray wolf and have him in my jaws  when another wolf clamps down on my neck then out of nowhere someone rips the wolf off of me, breaking its neck with a single bite. I look to see Zayden standing before me, he gives me a quick nod and I understand that he is telling me to go find Kira.

______________Kira's P.O.V._____________

I hear the sounds of wolves fighting and despite the injection in my arm I can sense that Jason is close by. The door quickly opens and light floods in and I blink my eyes as Natalie rushes in, obviously in a panic.

"I told you he'd come."

"Shut up."she snarls.

"I can sense your fear, so tell me would you prefer your throat torn out, head ripped off, or to be disemboweled? You made a huge mistake when you took the mate of the Blood Alpha."

"Just shut the fuck up!" She shouts as she grabs something off the table and holds it to my neck. The silver blade shines brightly in the light as the cool metal burns my skin.

I growl a low, vicious growl as I stare her down. I can practically hear her heart beating fast, like a frightened rabbit being chased by a fox. She presses the knife harder against my throat and I take a sharp intake of air as the burning intensifies.

Suddenly just down the hall we hear another fight break out and I know I'm saved. I see Natalie's shaking hand grip the knife harder as I see Jason burst into the room then I feel a sharp, searing pain in my chest and my body begins to feel cold.

______________Jason's P.O.V.____________

I see who I can only assume is the Luna, in her hand is a silver blade soaked in crimson and my heart sinks. In a single breath I lunge at her, ripping the knife from her hand and tossing it away. Then I go for her throat, listening as her muffled screams turn to gurgled gasps as blood begins to spill out onto the stone floor and I watch with satisfaction as her green eyes cloud over into a vacant stare.

I quickly rush over to Kira, holding her tightly in my arms as I try to slow her bleeding.

"Zane!!! We need Jessica immediately!" I shout through my link.

"Stay with me Kira." Her body is shaking wildly and her skin is pale.

"Jason............?" Her voice is low and weak.

"I'm here baby....I'm here."

"Jason I don't want to die, I'm pregnant."

My eyes open wide in shock. "No, you're not going to die. You're going to live a long life I promise. We are going to live our lives together, have many children and many, many grandchildren."

I hear her breathing begin to slow down and can sense her fading in and out of consciousness. Just then Jessica finally arrives and begins to treat my mate, working frantically to stop the bleeding.

"She told me she was pregnant."

"My ultrasound equipment is back at the hospital." Jessica says quickly.

Once she successfully stops bleeding and Kira begins to stabilize we move her to the pack hospital and Jessica brings and the ultrasound machine.

I watch the monitor with bated breath as Jessica pauses over a small shape.

"There it is, see the heartbeat?" Jessica points at a small flicker on the monitor. "The baby seems to be fine. I'd say she is about 6 weeks along."

Then something catches her eye on the monitor and she passes the wand over it.

Mated to the Blood AlphaOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz