Chapter 2: Friendly Encounter

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The man with shaggy brown hair looks back and forth between me and Jason with confusion. "Mate?" He mumbles, obviously surprised.

"Take her to the house." Jason orders and 'Shaggy' scrambles to do so. Even members of his own pack seem to fear him.

He leads me to a larger house, this time being sure not to touch me. I eye my chance to escape but quickly dismiss it at the thought of being torn apart if I tried.

We walk through the front door and into a room with an open floor plan. A large living room and kitchen with an island counter the only separation. A white windowed door opens out onto a patio and pool.

We continue walking and come to a staircase that leads up to the next floor. Despite the size of his pack being equal to mine, the Golden Moon pack, the house seemed almost deserted as our footsteps echoed through the empty halls and corridors till we come to a stop before a door. Walking into the room I notice it had a paint scheme of black and red. 'Shaggy' then bows to me before closing the door, leaving me alone.

I lay down on the bed, grabbing one of the pillows and hug it to my chest and I lay like that for what felt like hours before I hear the door open and I bolt up. My eyes meet Jason's and my heart sinks.

"W-why are you in here?" I question nervously.

"Why? This is my room."

Of course, I should have known. I turn away from him, feeling him sit on the other side of the bed causing me to jump. "You'll only be staying here for tonight, till a room is prepared for you."

"I would rather sleep in the dungeon." I mutter and I could feel his angry gaze on me. I decided to stay silent so as not to incur his wrath any further.

The whole night I was too scared to close my eyes, knowing he was right next to me. I can hear him breathing next to me in rhythm and take this chance to sneak a peek at his face. His jawline seemed like it was well defined in the moonlight streaming through the window. He's handsome and doesn't look anything like the man I pictured when my parents would tell me about him. He begins to stir and I panic, sinking back onto the bed and looking away from him, pretending to be asleep. Despite my fear, deep down something is drawing me to him like an unseen force.

By the next morning I didn't get a wink of sleep. Jason lefts himself up from the bed and walks over to his dresser, sliding open the drawer. He barely even acknowledges the fact that I'm in the room, other than throwing me a shirt and sweats, before sliding off his pants. I use my hand to block him from my view. Though, part of me wants to sneak a quick peek before I quickly snap myself out of it. I'm confused by my own thoughts. He pulls on a pair of jeans and a black t-shirt then walks over to the door.

"There's a bathroom through that door." He points at another door in the room and is about to leave before my stomach growls. He sighs. "And you can get something to eat from the kitchen." Then he walks out of the room. Once again I am alone, not that I'm complaining.

I quickly get up from the bed, carrying the clothes with me into the bathroom. Hoping into the shower, I finally feel calm. Like the warm water is washing my fears and worries away, sending them swirling down the drain. Once I get out I dry myself off and grab the clothes. At least he was nice enough to give me a pair of boxer shorts. I slip on the sweats which practically fall from my waist and pull on a gray shirt with a melting skull on it. Bleh.
Once dressed I leave his room, retracing my steps till I get to the kitchen. I walk happily to the fridge and reach for the handle but before I even touch it I hear someone behind me.

"Who are you?" The tall, thin woman glares at me judgmentally with her deep blue eyes and arms crossed. Long blonde hair cascades down in waves, framing her face.

"Um,....I ....." I mumble. I'm the daughter of the alpha from my pack yet I can't even form a cohesive sentence under her stare.

"That is Jason's mate." 'Shaggy' tells her for me and her expression changes.

"A mate?! At last!" She shouts excitedly, practically strangling me with a bear hug.

"Mrs. Sinclair, you're crushing her." He tells her and she let's go suddenly. Mrs. Sinclair? His sister maybe?

"I was beginning to think my son would never find his mate. I might get to see my grandchildren yet, and beautiful ones at that." She gives me a beaming smile. Jason is her son? She doesn't look a day over thirty...wait, grandchildren? My head is spinning. Just then Jason walks into the living room and Mrs. Sinclair puts her hands on her hips.

"And when were you planning on telling me about your mate?" She asks in an accusatory way. Jason rubs the bridge of his nose, obviously annoyed.

"She only just arrived yesterday."

"Well, if you need anything please just let me know." She picks up my hand and flashes me another beaming smile before her eyes land on the clothes Jason gave me. "I know, I have some clothes you can have."

And just like that she walks off, leaving me both confused and happy that there was at least one nice person here. For the first time since I've been here I catch myself smiling. I pour myself a bowl of cereal and sit at the Island stool, letting my feet dangle.

"Your mother seems nice." I say quietly as I bring a spoonful of cereal up to my lips.

"Yeah, well you didn't have to live with her like I did." He mutters. "Your room is ready for you. ....? What's your name?"

That's right, I never told him my name. " My name is Kira."

I finish my cereal and he shows me to my own room.

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