Chapter 10: Awake

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When I regain consciousness I am being held by Jason, clinging a sheet to my naked body and my cheeks blush as the memory of what we just did comes back to me. Jason kisses my nose. "Welcome back." He gives me a smug smile. I offer him I tired smile in response. "I love you, Kira."

"I love you too. We should get ready for the rest of the day." I sit up and wince at a small pain in my stomach.

"Looks like I was too rough." Jason sits up and kisses my shoulder.

"No, I liked it. Now let's go."

"I told the pack not to disturb us for the rest of the day. Besides, one day without me won't send them into complete chaos." He puts his hands behind his head and I feel myself go red.

"Does that mean everyone knows we-?" I feel like my face is on fire.

"Well, kinda. But you're my mate so it's expected. So how are you feeling?"

"Better actually. Actually better than that." I give him a sly grin.

Jason starts digging into his now cold omelette as I head for the bathroom, dragging the sheet with me. I notice the small red drops on the bed and blush again.

Settling into the tub I feel my aching muscles relax. I'm happy he's mine. There is a knock at the door and Jason walks in. He slips into the tub behind me and starts rubbing my shoulders.

"Um, how's your mother?" I ask nervously, afraid of the answer.

"She's pulling through." He responds and I breathe a sigh of relief.

"I'm glad." I wipe a happy tear from my eye.

"She is recovering fast, Jessica says she'll wake up any day now. It will take more than that to stop her from seeing her future grandchildren." He chuckles in my ear.

"You still haven't marked me." I tilt my head back to peer at his face.

"Don't worry, I will?" His fingers caress down my arm.

We get out of the tub and get dressed. Walking into the living room Jason grads of remote and turns on the TV. Sitting in Jason's lap I watch as he flips through the channels.

As he settles on a channel Zane comes rushing in. Jason rubs the bridge of his nose. She seems to do that a lot when he's annoyed.

"I thought I told you to leave us alone for the day." Jason growls.

"I'm sorry Alpha but it's your mother, she's awake." Zane bows to us.

I jump up from the couch and Jason follows quickly behind. On the walk over the hospital I pick a few flowers.

Walking into the room, two familiar blue eyes great me and Jason. It takes all my strength not to run over and hug her. Her eyes first settles on my hand, being tightly held by Jason. She let's out a smile. Then she notices the flowers in my other hand and frowns, scribbling something down on a notepad.

"Daisies are for dead people."

"I'm sorry, I just picked them up on the way here." I apologize.

She begins to scribble something else down on the notepad. "I'm kidding. I see you and my son are getting along."

I blush and Jason grabs me by my waist and pulls me closer.
"Yes we are." He mumbles.

"I'm so glad." She scribbles her response.

"Her prognosis is good. She has healed up for the most part. Her voice box was slightly damaged and will take time to repair and she will probably only need speech therapy." Jessica smiles from behind us.

"When will she be able to go home?" I ask.

"In two or three days. Now, I'm sorry to cut this visit short but she will need to rest."

Me and Jason walk back to the house, hand in hand. He stops just before the door and pulls me into his kiss. Walking into the house he locks the door behind us. Then he picks me up and throws me onto the couch.

"Careful, I'm fragile!" I squeak.

"You didn't seem so fragile a few hours ago." He gives me an evil grin and I bite my lip with a giggle.

Jason kneels next to the couch and begins kissing me, his tongue exploring my mouth. But just as things begin to get good, my stomach growls.

"Another untimely interruption?" Jason rolls his eyes and I internally curse myself.

"I guess I got my appetite back." I look up at him. "I think I have you to thank for that."

"There is one way you can thank me." Jason gives me a flirtatious growl before biting my ear, causing me to squeal.

"Food first." I giggle. Jason sighs, looking at me like a kid who was told he can't have a toy, and he walks to the kitchen.

I follow him and sit on the stool, watching him work. He starts dicing up tomatoes and I scrunch up my nose.

"What's the matter?" He asks.

"I don't like tomatoes. Ketchup is fine and so is tomato sauce but I don't like tomatoes."

"Alright, note taken." He kisses the top of my head. "Put tomatoes on everything." He teases and I playfully slap his shoulder. Our lips meet in a soft kiss and he continues cooking, scraping the diced tomatoes into a Ziploc bag and sliding it back into the fridge. "Are shrimp kabobs okay?"

"Yeah, that's fine."

He quickly whips up a couple of shrimp kabobs and grills them in garlic and lemon. We then we both curl up on the couch, watching Nightmare on Elm Street. I quote a few of Freddy's most iconic lines and Jason tilts his head.

"I'm a horror movie addict. Scary movies are more like a comedy to me.  People are always making such dumb decisions in them." I grin.

"Then remind me never to piss you off." He says and we both start to laugh. "But seriously, you freaked out the day I-" he pauses and I know he's talking about the day he killed that girl. "Well anyways, how is a horror movie different?"

"A horror movie you know is fake, they are just acting. The blood is just stage blood." I leave it at that, leaning into his chest as he places his chin on top of my head.

Soon I begin to feel sleepy. I stretch and yawn as I see the night sky streaming in through the window. Jason then picks me up and carries me to his room, bridal style. I tiredly drape my arms around his neck. "I love you."

Jason places me down on the bed and I whisper into his ear. "Mark me."

The corners of his mouth lift up and his fingers brush stray strands of hair out of my face. He sits down on the edge of the bed and leans over me, his lips closing in on my neck. But then he stops, his warm breath tickling my collarbone. A pleasant shiver runs down my spine.

His lips then trace down my collarbone, till my breath hitches and he stops, his lips still gently pressed on the spot. Then I feel his lips part slowly, his teeth grazing my sensitive flesh. I feel my body tense and i feel him mumble against my skin.

"You need to relax." his tongue gently licks the area and the ticklish sensation makes me giggle. Once my tenseness is gone his teeth sink into my flesh and tears form in my eyes. He removes his fangs and his tongue licks away some of the blood that now drips from the wound.

"Now it's your turn." His voice is a low whisper.

I sit up on the bed and he removes his T-shirt so I can get to his neck easier. I watch  his muscles flex as he does so and I bite my lower lip. Then, I  bring my lips to his collarbone and he closes his eyes. I begin to trace it like he did to me. He takes a sharp intake of breath and I stop.

Sinking my teeth into his flesh, the metallic taste of blood begins to spread through my mouth. I slowly retract my fangs from him and she clasps my chin, bringing my face to his.

His eyes go dark and his voice fills my head. "Our bond is complete."

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