Chapter 11: Picnic

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The next morning I am once again in his arms as the smell of mint tickles my nose. My eyes shoot open in shock and I find myself jolting up in bed. I take another whiff and it's back, the cool fresh scent spreading through my nostrils. "Jason, it's back!"

Jason sits up and I throw my arms around him, almost knocking him over, tears pricking the corners of my eyes.

"What are you talking about?" He asks groggily.

"My sense of smell, it's back." I feel myself and my wolf jumping for joy.

"That's wonderful." Jason's lips meet mine in a quick peck. "How about we go for a walk?"

"A walk, where?"

"It's a surprise, but get dressed up. I have some work to get done but I'll be back to get you." He presses his lips against my temple and the he leaves the room, heading to his office.

I walk across the hall and into my room. I slide open the drawer and pick out a black lace thong with a matching bra, then I take a quick shower and slip on my chosen bra and and panties.

As I'm at my closet I'm stuck between two dresses. I flip between both dresses, holding them to my body as I look at them in the mirror.

"You're so damn beautiful." Jason's voice enters my head and I turn my head to see him standing there, leaning in the doorway. I smile and he saunters over to me. He's wearing a white button down shirt and a pair of black dress pants. His arms wrap around me and his fingers caress my behind.

"I like the blue one." He mumbles, his breath on my neck.

Slipping it on, I marvel at the way the fabric elegantly drapes on my body. Jason's hand clasps mine and I follow him out of the house.

We walk hand in hand till he whispers into my ear, sending pleasant chills down my spine. "Close your eyes."

I do as I'm told and he continues to lead me to our destination. He stops and tells me to open my eyes and when I do I see a blanket set on the grass with a bottle wine and a vase of flowers.

I feel my jaw drop."When did you do this?"

"I had my pack set it up while you were getting ready."

He did this just for me. A smile spreads on my face as we sit together on the blanket. He hands me a glass of wine and I can't help but ask.

"Why isn't your brother here? I mean he is your brother and a member of this pack right?"

"Way to kill a romantic day." He mumbles while rubbing the bridge of his nose.

"Nevermind, you don't need to tell me."

After a moment of silence he sighs. "He's my older brother but he started going down a dark path. He had just found his mate and was ready to become the next alpha. Then his mate died in a car crash. Her death sent him into a downward spiral. He became a darker person. His mate was the light of his life and when she was gone his heart clouded over. Then he started doing illegal things. He would steal money from us and gamble and use it on other things. When our dad found out, he was furious. Our father disowned him, stripped him of his entitlement, and banished him."

"He didn't seem at all like that. You should try talking with him. Time can change people." I place my hand on his shoulder. "Give him a chance. If it wasn't for him I'd be dead."

"What?" His voice comes out as a confused gasp.

"The lighting struck a branch. If he hadn't knocked me out of the way, I wouldn't be here. Then you would be in the same dark place." Jason runs his hands through his black hair at my words. I crawl into his arms and kiss his neck. "Give him a chance. Take it from someone who has lost her family, if you don't reconcile with your brother you'll regret it."

"If you insist. Now enough talk about him. I want to enjoy a romantic picnic with my mate." His hand grabs both of my wrists and hold them behind my back as the fingers of his other hand trace his mark. The ticklish sensation causes a giggle to escape my lips. He then picks up a glass of wine and brings it to my lips and the sweet liquid spreads over my tongue. He sets the glass down and his tongue invades my mouth. I close my eyes as our kiss grows deeper. His lips travel down my neck and to my collarbone.

"N-not here." I mumble as I feel my cheeks turn red.

"Why not?" I feel him smile against my skin.

"It's too open. Everyone can see us."

"Let them see." Jason growls playfully as he sucks my flesh, his hand traveling down to the hem of my dress.

"Jason I'm serious. This can wait till the bedroom."

Jason pouts and releases my wrists. Then, standing up from the blanket, he pulls my from the ground and slings me over his shoulder.

"Jason! What are you doing?!" I yell.

"What do you think? I'm taking you to the bedroom." He says before slapping by behind and I gasp. My dress isn't that long and I'm wearing a thong. My bottom is in full view of the world.

"Put me down!" I playfully protest, kicking my legs. All I can do is watch my hair sway before my eyes, tickling my face.

I watch as the emerald grass turns to wood and I hear the sound of the door swing open. I count each step on our way up the stairs with a smile. Jason swings his door open and puts me down.

"Now, let's continue." He whispers.

Jason slips my dress off and pushes me down on the bed.

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