c h a p t e r 2 9 (p t. 2)

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The biggest swell of disappointment crashed down in my stomach like a tsunami wave. Deep down I had gotten my hopes that America would vote for me, but apparently not.

The biggest smile stretched across Bianca's face as she smirked at me. She clutched the tiara that was placed on her head and shoved me out of the way with her shoulder as she stalked over to Noah and quite literally jumped on him. He didn't see her coming and didn't have quite enough time to brace himself causing him to stumble backwards. I didn't see it, but I sure as hell heard her press wet slobbery kisses all over Noah.

I was in a moment of shock, my body quite literally could not process what was happening.

Bianca had finally detached herself from Noah and instead of gracefully thanking or waving to the audience she threw the bouquet of roses at me.

"I told you I would win you idiot!" She yelled at me with glee, "Sucks to be you doesn't it, you piec-," Marcus interrupted her yells as he coughed quite awkwardly into the microphone. The audience was dead quiet, surprised at her outbursts. Well, all except for Alicia and Stacey who were both cheering Bianca on.

"I have to apologise," Marcus boomed loudly but calmly. Bianca spun around quickly to face  Marcus I was surprised she didn't get whiplash. Standing behind Marcus was Noah, looking annoyed as he wiped off Bianca's lipstick that was scattered all over his face. He looked slightly annoyed but when I caught his eye he winked subtly at me. I saw Bianca clutch the tiara on her head harder.

"The first runner-up is Bianca Harvey."

If the crowd was quiet before it was completely and utterly silent now as they all watched on in confusion. Myself included.

"The winner of the Search for Cinderella 2015 is TAYLOR GRACE!"

Holy crap balls.

My heart started beating furiously as I stood their shock, too confused to even move.

"Listen, folks, let me just take control over this. That is exactly what is on the card. I will take responsibility for this. It was my mistake. It was on the card. A horrible mistake, but the right thing, I can show it to you right here." Marcus explains calmly over the microphone.

After a few moments, I hear a loud cheer and clapping. Jordan is standing up in the audience cheering for me, and within seconds, the entire floor is on their feet cheering.

I see Noah laughing and before I know it he's walked up to Bianca, taken the tiara off her head before walking in front of me.

"Congratulations princess," he whispered in a smug tone before placing the beautiful tiara on my head. I was still processing the moment and all I could do was look up at him with wide eyes. He grinned at me before moving to stand next to me facing the audience. He laced his fingers with mine and together he raised our arms up above our head as if we had won a marathon. Well, I did just win a competition apparently.

The applause and cheers just got louder and I even heard Jordan whistle loudly through the noise of the crowd

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The applause and cheers just got louder and I even heard Jordan whistle loudly through the noise of the crowd. My cheeks hurt from smiling so much I couldn't believe this actually happened.

All the noise was quickly silenced.

"NO!" Alicia screamed, "This show is rigged! As if Taylor could win! She's nothing, absolutely nothing, she's not even pretty!"

I stared at her as she made her way to the stage, anger and hatred was all I could see in her eyes. Noah stepped forward in front of me as if he was trying to protect me from her onslaught. Deep down I knew that Alicia wouldn't raise a hand, she would be too scared to break a nail, unfortunately, words hurt more than physical wounds and the words she yelled hit me as if she had slapped me. I was thankful for Noah's protection.

"Taylor Grace, you give that crown back to Bianca right now! She deserves it more than you deserve anything you have ever gotten in life you spoilt brat!" She continued yelling even though she was less than a metre in front of me.

"If you don't I will make sure that no college will ever accept you. You're not smart enough for a scholarship anyway and with no access to money, there's no way you would ever be able to go! You'll be stuck being our maid for the rest of your pathetic life which is where you belong! Even your father hates you, which is why he left you with me because I'm the only person who has been kind and gracious enough to put up with you!"

Stacey had come up behind Alicia as well as Bianca and they both encouraged her to keep going. Security was making their way over to escort them out but I couldn't help but stare at her in horror. My face was flushed with humiliation and I could feel tears welling up in my eyes.

Suddenly, a familiar voice spoke up from the entrance of the hub, "That's enough Alicia."

My eyes darted to whoever my hero was, and there stood my dad in his army greens. He looked tired, but most of all he was angry. Noah wrapped an arm around my waist comfortingly as I watched the big mess unfold.

Whatever fight Alicia had left in her left her just as quickly as it began.

"Darren?" She gasped in horror.

He approached her calmly controlling his anger, "You need to leave right now Alicia."

Somehow, she listened to him. She always listened to him though, I mean all she saw from him was money, so of course, she would listen to him. Hopefully, he wouldn't be giving her any more money.

She nodded and gathered her stuff in silence.

"But mum," Bianca whined, "What about the crown?"

Alicia shot her a dirty look and muttered, "That's enough Bianca."

They started the long walk down the aisle in complete humiliation as everyone, both in the crowd and those watching the live stream, watched on.

"Oh, Alicia?" Dad said causing her turn around with a hopeful glint in her eyes. I scoffed internally. As if dad would side with her and the girls. Instead, he handed her a thick white envelope.

"You'll find the divorce papers inside."

She looked up at him in shock and horror, "What are you talking about Darren?!" She yelled hysterically.

I could tell my dad was beginning to lose it.

"I'm talking about the times you used my daughter as your personal slave and treating her like dirt, while the three of you sat on your asses, using MY money which we agreed was for Taylor's college fund, hurling abuse and insults at her."

He chuckled darkly, something I never heard him do before, "And now I'm going to watch you pay every cent back, while you find a house for the three of you to live in. Oh, also, all of your crap, the three of you, is in a storage shed," he threw a key at them which she somehow managed to miss making it fall to the ground, "You have a week to get it out otherwise they will be taking it all to the dump."

Shock and horror were all that could be seen in their faces but before she could say anything, dad calmed down and firmly stated, "I'll see you at court. Now get out of here."

He turned his back on them before walking over to me and pulling me into his arms. I jumped up and wrapped my arms around his neck. The loud cheers in the background were quickly drowned out as my dad whispered, "It's over Taylor. It's all over. I got you now sweetheart."

A/N: What do you guys think? Just an epilogue now to go :(

QOTU: What was the highlight of you day? 

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